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21 October 2000 - 3.30 p.m.

THE west wing's lobby was full of reporters, print, and electronic media. The country's super stations like CNN and CBS were there for live coverage. Not forgetting America's radio stations. They were requested, at around 2.00 p.m. that evening, to come over because President Jack William, Supposedly, wanted to announce his 'withdrawal' from the post of US President. Though it was just rumored following the incident at Civic Center, New York two days ago, many speculations came into circulation.

Half an hour later, senior reporters from every agency thronged the place, which was 1 hour and 30 minutes earlier than the scheduled time. They gathered outside the fence of the executive building. They were only allowed into the west wing at around 3.25 p.m.

Among the reporters who gathered in the west lobby was Daljit Singh. The first opportunity to enter the White House building was a precious experience for him. Like the other reporters, he couldn't wait to hear President Jack William announce his resignation. 

The lobby was the official location for White House press conferences. It was similar to a Cineplex decked with special equipment to be convenient for reporters to make their press coverage from there. At the head, were a podium and a microphone. Behind the podium was an image of a building with the words - THE WHITE HOUSE.

In a situation like this, Daljit felt small among the nation's big names in journalism. However, the fact was not one that would kill his spirit to compete with them. Truly, Daljit felt proud because, among the reporters, he was the only reporter from Southeast Asia and the only one representing Malaysia, to be present in an important press conference. 



21 October 2000 - 3.34 p.m.

ALL throughout their journey from New York heading towards Arizona, Ruben and Hilman took turns driving the car. Every day, they stopped at least five times at different places to fill the tank as well as their stomach. They spent the nights at any motels they could find before dinner time and left early the next morning to continue their journey. That was their routine during their two days journey.

 At this moment, Hilman was sleeping on the seat next to the driver. Ruben drove on though fatigue had begun to come over his body. He let Hilman sleep on, though it was his turn to drive. 


NOW and then, Ruben would move his head to relieve his stiff neck. He saw the sign by the road that said - Welcome to New Mexico, Land of Enhancement. Ruben smiled wide. Their journey was getting closer to the destination. 

Ruben turned again. Hilman was still sound asleep though the weather in the south was warmer. He recalled the time they spent the night together at a motel; Ruben noticed that Hilman was devoted to his religion. Every day and night, even in the early dawn, Hilman would perform his prayers. His moves and actions were similar to that of Abdul Maleeq Ben Auf and his family. Through what Maleeq had told him, he understood that the time Hilman was praying to God. There was a difference in the way he and Hilman prayed. When Hilman recited the holy verses of the Quran during his prayers, Ruben stood amazed for a while. Hilman's voice was moving and the holy verses tugged at his heart. 


HILMAN woke up. He looked around groggily. Hot and dry. Sweat damped his shirt. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. The place around him was red and dry with little grass and green plants that grew scarcely. The sky was blue without clouds. The highway was dusty. 

PERSONAL JUSTICE by Ramlee Awang MurshidWhere stories live. Discover now