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14 October 2000 - 12.19 p.m

RUBEN knocked shoulders with a man while he was entering the lift. The man was getting off the lift. In fact, they bumped face to face into each other. Both stopped for a second. 

"I'm sorry," Ruben apologized. 

The man didn't reply, just nodded and then left hurriedly. 

Ruben entered the lift quickly before the door closed. He pressed the top floor button and it flashed red. He wanted to see Dr. Cohen to get some information about Hilman. The lift began its ascent. 

Suddenly, while waiting for the lift to reach the top floor, the face of the man he bumped into just now played on his mind, creating a visual on his insight. His brain worked hard to match the face to the ones he had met. The visual stopped, when Hilman's face appeared in his mind. 

"My God!" Quickly, Ruben pressed the button to the nearest floor. He rushed out soon as the lift door opened and hurried down the stairs. His instinct told him that the man he had bumped into was Hilman. It didn't matter that Hilman was hiding behind a disguise. 

Ruben looked around for Hilman when he reached the main entrance to New York Hospital. Heavy crowd made it difficult to spot Hilman. Relying on instinct, Ruben headed south crossing Rockerfeller University.


HALF an hour went by. Ruben failed to track Hilman. He sighed in disappointment. He was now on the outer row of buildings at E6st, not far from Bloomingdale's Store. Ruben rested there while his eyes kept on searching for Hilman at every corner. But, he failed to spot the man. 

Suddenly, his eyes saw a signboard showing the way to Queensboro Bridge. Quickly, he ran towards the direction. Hilman could be heading that way because that was where the accident had occurred that lead to the charges against him.

Ruben arrived at the bridge after 15 minutes of struggling and pushing among the throng of people. He saw Hilman by the Queensboro Bridge, standing there and watching at the center of the bridge. Slowly, he closed in on him.

"Hilman!" Ruben shouted. 

Hilman didn't turn though he heard his name called. He was planning something. He tried to remain calm.

Ruben was getting closer. "Freeze! You're under arrest!" Ruben pointed his gun at Hilman.

Hilman raised his hands and turned around. 

"Just take it easy, man. I don't want any trouble... understand!" Ruben moved cautiously, closer. "Finally, I found you, Hilman," Ruben said.

"You freak!" Hilman said.

"What?" Ruben never loosened his grip on the gun. 

"You hid the truth," Hilman said. 

Ruben did not respond.

"Why?" Hilman asked.

Ruben sighed deeply. Hilman was right, he had hid the truth. But, he had good reasons to do so. His tongue froze. He could not defend himself against the accusation. 

Hilman walked closer to Ruben. 

"I said... freeze, damn it!" Ruben insisted. 

"Why? You're going to shoot me? Blow my brains out? Go ahead!" 

"Back off, damn you! Just stop right there." Ruben pulled the hammer. A click was heard. His index finger rested on the trigger. 

Hilman was already standing approximately two feet from Ruben. Hilman pressed his forehead at the end of Ruben's gun barrel. Ruben began to fret about Hilman's show of courage. He started to question his own action. 

PERSONAL JUSTICE by Ramlee Awang MurshidWhere stories live. Discover now