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2 October - 10.25 p.m.

TONIGHT once again Mr. Black contacted Mike after the robbery and murder a few days ago. The incident had, indeed, shocked President Jack William and members of the Democrat Party. However, it didn't affect the ongoing election campaign.

Tonight, as always, Mike was picked up by a limousine driver and drove around the city without any particular directions. The conspiracy was hatched, especially to overthrow Jack William so that he wouldn't serve the second term.

The thick glass that served as a divider between the driver and passenger seats slid down automatically. The limousine driver handed a cellphone to Mike.

"Mr. Black," the driver said.


Nike took the cellphone. That was the only way he could interact with Mr. Black. Mike had never seen Mr. Black face to face. But they had shared many dealings that involved million of dollars. Mike acted as a hitman, while Mr. Black was the mastermind in all of their business.

"Well done, Mike." Mr. Black's voice sounded happy through the phone's speaker. He was satisfied with the way his henchman had executed his job.

"Thank you," Mike nodded. "Where's my money?" he asked.

"It's right there in your account!" said Mr. Black.

"Alright..." Mike responded, shaping his thick lips.

"Another thing, Mike..." Mr. Black said again. 

"Oh, yeah..." Mike replied briefly.

All of a sudden, the limousine stopped.

"Get the hell out of my car!" Mr. Black ordered.

"Oh, man! Don't you dare talking to me to like that. My mum never talked to me like that. Don't you know how to be polite, huh?" Mike screamed.

The cellphone went dead instantly causing Mike to speak to himself. He scratched his head when he saw where the limousine had taken him. One again, he had to get a cab to reach the Waterfront where he had parked his car.

"Thank you, Mike. I'll call you back." Suddenly, Mr. Black's voice resounded from the limousine's speaker jolting Mike from his seat.

"Who the hell are you actually, man?" Mike asked the question that would probably goes unanswered.

"We'll meet someday, Mike!" Mr. Black said. 

Impossible that he should reveal his true identity to Mike. Mike was just his 'stepping stone' to achieve his goal through crimes.


Mike stepped out of the limousine. He left the cellphone, that was used as a communication equipment between them, in the back seat of the limousine.

The limousine drove away leaving him there. Mike shook his head. Every time they had a discussion in the limousine, he would be dropped off at just anywhere.

"Damn it!" Mike cursed. He was, truly, bored.



NEW YORK - 2 October 2000

NOR ALIA had, deliberately, reserved a suite at the hotel. The two room suite made it convenient for the three of them to stay together. No need for separate rooms. The arrangement was most ideally set to let Hilman and Jeslina get close to each other. They really needed to strengthen their relationships after the long separation. Nor Alia and Jeslina shared a room together while Hilman took the other room.

PERSONAL JUSTICE by Ramlee Awang MurshidWhere stories live. Discover now