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15 October 200 - 5.15 p.m.

THIS area stretches southward to Manhattan next to the Financial District. Close to Chinatown and Little Italy to the north, with SoHo and Tribeca to the west. It borders Lower East Side to the east, facing Queens and Brooklyn, but closest to Brooklyn that lies south of New York and is connected by two bridges, namely the Brooklyn Bridge and the Manhattan Bridge. The area is surrounded by what is called a built-up area, such as Beekman, Gold, Cliff, Pearl, Peck and Dover. 

It was at this place that Hilman hid his face behind a wig, false moustache and beard and a pair of dark glasses, as he searched for a spot nearest to the main stage. Workers were still up with the finishing work at the main stage, where President William Jack would give his general election speech to the New York citizens on 18 October. A poster, showing the smiling President Jack William waving his right hand, was pasted at the back of the stage. Next to the president's poster was a picture of the United States flag.

Hilman stood there, 15 meters from the main stage. His eyes were directed at Jack William's face on the poster, laid proudly as a partition of the main stage. A number of New Yorkers walked by then stopped to admire their president's face.

But, Hilman stood there with one purpose only. To find a corner and a strategic place to carry out an action against the United States President! An action that now and then would jolt his mind.

Hilman scrutinized the buildings around where he was standing. Then his eyes stopped at a building exactly facing the main stage. Quickly, Hilman headed towards it. The building at Beekman was a business center. From there, he could see the main stage clearly. Hilman stood frozen on the spot lost in his thoughts. 

The roof was strategic, indeed, but not safe. The place was too opened. Hilman went into a monologue. While at the same time, he scouted out the other buildings surrounding the main stage. A building around Cliff and Pearl attracted his attention. 

Quickly, Hilman descended and strided out from the building he was in. He walked, looking up at a building in Cliff. He made a few guesses from below. From the roof to the main stage. An ideal place, he guessed. The spot would not cause any problem. 

The spot at the building at Pearl was difficult as it was a bit to the back. But, from this narrow spot, Hilman could see the main stage clearly. There would be no problem if Jack William were to stand there without anyone protecting him. But, Hilman had not made up his mind, yet, which building would he use to carry out his action. 

Hilman left the building in a lengthy contemplation. His emotional pressure was weighing down to him. He was desperate, really desperate to do something to Jack William for causing the accident. The politician's manipulation caused him to be falsely accused of drunk driving that caused his daughter to go into coma. He was still not safe in the city. The police was still searching for him. It was the man's'play' that made Hilman do what he wanted to do without hesitation. 


HILMAN stopped a yellow cab in front of a building at Fulton. He went for the backseat straightaway. 

"Battery Park," he said.

The cab driver turned the meter and headed for the destination that Hilman specified. It went through the main road heading south, moving towards Broadway. All the while, Hilman wandered off. Memories upon memories came into his mind. His dreams were shattered when the driver told him that they had arrived at the destination. The driver dropped Hilman outside Battery Park.


AFTER paying his cab fare, Hilman walked in the park till he reached the far end at the south. He sat on a long, wooden bench, facing the Statue of Liberty at Liberty Island. He would once again enjoy the sunset at the park. He did not mind the fact that this was the same place where he was previously surprised by two men who claimed to be from the US Secret Service. This time Hilman was more careful.

PERSONAL JUSTICE by Ramlee Awang MurshidWhere stories live. Discover now