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25 September 2000 - 1.00 a.m.

RUBEN was now at the bottom level of the building. He moved cautiously, while at the same time, looked out for the two men who were after him. He only had an empty gun. He would use the gun to threaten his enemies or use it as a hammer if necessary.

Reaching a corner, his eyes immediately focused on the door leading to the Philharmonic Hall. It was slightly opened. He could hear the faint sound of someone talking in a foreign language. Stealthily, he went near the door to peek.

Abdul Ghari was asking Abu Hasdal about their hostages. His comrade had planned to take all the hostages out from there. They would pretend to be hostages themselves and go along with them. Once outside, they would command the hostages to disperse and at the same time they would make their escape.

Abdul Ghari just nodded. He understood and that made Abu Hasdal smiled. Abdul Ghari responded with a laugh as he walked to join the hostages.

"Okay... all of you... move! Move!" Abdul Ghari shouted.

The hostages cowered in fear when they saw Abdul Ghari pointed the gun at them. They stood up and grouped close to each other.


SUDDENLY, Ruben appeared by the door. "Freeze! Don't ever try to move! he shouted loudly, pointing his gun.

Abu Hasdal and Abdul Ghari were stunned by the unexpected occurrence. Immediately Ruben walked over to Abu Hasdal, who was nearer to the door, and snatched the man's gun away.

"Gimme your gun!" Ruben instructed as he pushed Abu Hasdal away. The man reeled forward. "Put your hands on your head!" Ruben ordered.

Abu Hasdal said something to Abdul Ghari that Ruben could not understand. They planned to do something against the American whom they called the 'devil'.

"What did you say, huh?"

Ruben waved the gun in his hand to threaten his enemies. A smile appeared on Abu Hasdal's lips.

"Tell me damn it!" 

Ruben pointed Abu Hasdal's gun at the two men in turns. He slipped his own gun to his back. His trick worked.

The hostages were getting scared. There could be a shoot-out. They froze. 

"Tell me damn it!" Ruben demanded. 

"I said to my friend, just kill the hostages," Abu Hasdal said. 

At the moment, Abdul Ghari pointed his gun at the hostages. The hostages were terrified.

"You kill them... I'll shoot you."

Ruben took turn to point his gun at Abu Hasdal and Abdul Ghari. 

"Leave us and the hostages go free," Abu Hasdal negotiated. 

"No... no, damn it!"

Ruben shook his head.

"Okay... it's your choice," said Abu Hasdal. "Abdul Ghari... kill one of the hostages," he ordered. The hostages became more frightened.


Ruben fired a shot. A bullet spurted out the muzzle and hit Abdul Ghari at the shoulder. The man slumped to the floor. 

Abu Hasdal took the opportunity to rush at Ruben. Ruben could not react in time. The gun in his hand dropped to the floor. They wrestled. During the fight, Abu Hasdal could only throw a couple of punches on Ruben's face. After that, Ruben was more in control as he rained blow after blow on Abu Hasdal. Abu Hasdal failed to defend himself. A kick by Ruben dropped Abu Hasdal on the floor.

PERSONAL JUSTICE by Ramlee Awang MurshidWhere stories live. Discover now