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24 September - 12.30 p.m.

THE United States is one day behind Malaysia according to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Countries in the Asia Pacific Region receive the first sunlight compared to countries in the west. The obvious differences in time and date seem like stepping backward or forward.

It was now 25 September in Malaysia.

That morning at 11.30, a function was held by several big corporations to hand over the cheques for their political donations. President Jack William himself was on hand to receive the political donations on behalf of the Democrat Party for the November general elections. The reception was widely covered by the mass media, which also act to publicize the pro-Democrat campaign. President Jack William also attended several charity functions to boost his image for the upcoming general elections. At this time, after lunching with several representatives from sponsoring corporations, and accompanied by the First Lady, Mary Lynn and the vice president, President Jack William went straight to his office.


THE Oval Office, the office of the President of the United States of America, is located at the corner west wing of the White House. Three doors are provided to access the office. One of them faces the office of the president's personal secretary, one faces the direction of a small kitchen opposite the president's reading room. The other faces the corridor adjacent to the main door that leads to the Roosevelt Room. The president's desk faces a bulletproof window. A cabinet, made of timber similar to the HMS Resolute, stands exactly facing the view of the lawn outside the White House. Several other conveniences are well put in place to assist a president to do his job, not enjoyed by common citizens.


JACK WILLIAM paced along his office while tossing a baseball in the air. One in a while he let out a heavy sigh. Something was on his mind. Then he stopped playing with his baseball while he was passing the window facing the lawn. He looked outside.

President Jack William directed his eyes on the country's flag that was flying proud. The flag is called 'The Stars and Stripes' or 'Old Glory'. The flag of the United State of America has 13 red and white stripes, 13 stars on blue background. It was designed in 1777. 13 red and white stripes and the 13 stars symbolize the union of 13 states as a new United States Republic. Currently, however, the number of states under the United States has grown. There are, now, 50 states in the country, excluding its own capital, Washington D.C.

President Jack William smiled with pride. The fluttering of the flag reinforced his patriotism. The spirit appeared to motivate him to defend his seat in the upcoming general elections.


A KNOCK at the Oval Office's door disrupted President Jack William thoughts.

"Come in!" He called out.

The door opened and Vice President David Anthony appeared with a worried look. 

"Tony?" President Jack William was surprised by his deputy's reaction.

"Mr. President," David Anthony said as he stepped into the Oval Office in haste. He sat immediately facing his president.

"Yes?" Jack William asked.

"Somebody grabbed a highly confidential document on its way here. All our men manning the documents have been gunned down." David Anthony broke the bad news with a flat tone. His face was lined. His worries began to multiply.

Jack William was shocked.

"Oh, my God... how could that happened, Tony?"

The news seemed to tug at Jack William's heartstrings. He knew what was inside the stolen documents. In present condition, the situation seemed graved. The news would soon headline the newspapers in the United States. Obviously, several speculations would float around after this. Such tragedy could hinder his effort to defend his seat as president for the second term.


JACK WILLIAM stood. Walked to the window. The green lawn outside the White House failed to calm him now. After a long thought, he turned to David Anthony.

"Any group claiming responsible for the robbery?" President Jack William asked.

"Not yet, Mr. President. The FBI is working on it," David Anthony was quick to reply.

Jack William sighed.

"This can simply be done by someone inside... or done by our enemies." That was what worrying President Jack William. Enemies were everywhere and at this moment they were trying to thwart his efforts.

"Mr. President... are you saying the Baldwins' involvement in this?" When Jack William said his political enemies could do the robbery, David Anthony's mind immediately pictured Baldwin Jr. - the Republican candidate who would be challenging Jack William in the coming general elections in November. However, Jack William remained quiet. He did not mean political enemies, it could, maybe, be his personal enemies.

"I'll get the FBI to question the Republican candidate. But, if you don't mind, what's in it?"

"I... I don't know for sure, Tony!" Jack William said.

David Anthony just listened while straightening his tie. The document robbery incident was the first to happen in the party's history since its inauguration.

PERSONAL JUSTICE by Ramlee Awang MurshidWhere stories live. Discover now