Chapter 15

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Feed Me The Berries Of Dark
-Sylvia Plath

Chapter 15

Celestia's Pov:

After following Jaden, I sat next to him. I need to ask him about his hand.

I got a proper look at his hand, his right hand knuckles were bruised.

Did he get into a fight?

"What happened to your hand? ," I broke the silence.

He was still struggling to bandage it.

"It's nothing," He simply said.

"It doesn't look like nothing to me," I pointed out.

He ignored me.

"Jaden?," I said softy.

Still no answer.

It was getting annoying seeing him not able to bandage his knuckle and on top of that he's ignoring me.

"Let me help you," I offered looking at his hand.

"No need,"

He is so difficult.

Ignoring him, I grabbed his hand and the bandage. I put his hands on my thigh while trying to bandage his knuckle. He tried to remove his hand but I stopped him.

"I have never met anyone as stubborn as you" I tell him.

"Funny hearing that from you. I told you I was doing it," He says and I shake my head.

I finally covered the bruise. I was so curious about what happened but he was not telling me.

He took out a cigarette and lit up the cigarette before smoking.

I could smell the aroma of tobacco and the wonderful tantalizing hint of the lethargic.

I don't like cigarettes but there was something about seeing Jaden smoking. The way he was inhaling and exhaling the fumes looking at the night sky made me want to try it once.

"I want to try it," I nervously said looking at him smoking.

"Are you fucking crazy?," He chuckled, turning his head to face me.

"I won't tell anyone even Brad won't find out... just once," I insisted.

" are asking the impossible," he shook his head.

"I-, "

"Don't try to convince me it's not gonna happen," He said, inhaling the fumes.

It's better for me to let it go because I was not in the mood for arguing. It's not like I was gonna buy a box of cigarettes afterwards. I just wanted to try it once.

"Ah whatever," I rolled my eyes.

"At least tell me what happened to your hand? Did you get into a fight or something?" I asked.

He sighed.

Why can't he tell me? Bro I'm literally the least patient on earth. I can't tell if I like him or want to punch him in the throat.

"I think it's time for you to go," Jaden says, throwing his cigarette butt.

I don't know why I felt a deep sink in my heart. I was actually loving sitting here in the middle of the night.

And he wants me to go and he won't tell me anything about his bruise.

"You really want me to go?" I said sadly looking at him.

He turned to face me. We were so close that I could feel his spearmint breath of his cigarette. I could see every detail of his face. His lips looked alluring and that was so attractive.

Our eyes met. Mierda he saw me looking at his lips. Then he looked at my lips and back to my eyes. There was something dark in his eyes I couldn't understand.

Dios! It was too much. Was he gonna kiss me?

But he cleared his throat and got up.

I think it was better for me to go because of all this tentions prevailing here.

"I'll just go now," I quickly said getting up, going back to the edge of the rooftop.

"Are you serious right now," He says.

I looked at him confused.

Didn't he want me to go just a few seconds ago? I think he saw the confusion in my eyes.

"I mean, are you going back by the can just go from my house." He said.

"Won't your mom see me?" I questioned.

"She's probably sleeping by now," He explained.

"I can perfectly go from--,"

"Hell no I don't want you falling and knowing you, you will haunt me for the rest of my life", He scoffed.

I laughed.

"Lead the way Mr Rizzo," I chuckled.

He got down the ladder and I did the same thing.

Once in his room, I could smell the musky, watery and mossy scent of his perfume. His room was neat and clean, something I wasn't expecting. In front of his bed there was a big mirror.

I just wish his room was mine. Those bomb pictures i would have taken in front of that mirror. Ah Dios.

"Are you coming or do you plan on staying here? I wouldn't mind that either." He smirked and I walked past him shaking my head.

Once I reached outside his front door, he kept on walking with me.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Walking you to your house."

"I can go on my own. Nobody's gonna kidnap me. Did you forget we're neighbors?" I shook my head.

He ignored whatever I said and kept on walking beside me.

"Isn't there anyone at home?," He questioned probably seeing all the lights out.

"Nope...Dad's at work nothing new and Brad went to meet a friend. And you know if I'm not mistaken I think that friend is Madi."

He chuckled. I bet he knows about it. It's obvious he is close with Brad.

"Do you know if there's something between them? I asked Brad and he said they are just friends. But I don't believe him." I explained.

We finally reached my front yard and he said.

"Well there was something before but Madi broke it off." He said putting both his hands in his pockets.

"So that's his ex-girlfriend?."

"No, it was something else but that's not for me to tell you. You should ask Brad himself." He said casually.

"He won't tell me," I said, disappointed reaching to open the front door.

"Anyways, thanks for walking me. You can go now Mr Rizzo, good night," I said, closing the door.

"Good night Fresa," He murmured with a smile.

Why does he keep on calling me Fresa? Only he knows the answer to that.

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