Chapter 9

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Eyes Have A Language Of Their Own
-J. B

Chapter 9

Celestia's Pov:

The creaking of the door made me jump. We are welcomed by a beautiful woman in her 40s. I guess she is Jaden's mom. Her eyes are exactly the same as Jaden's.

"Welcome, come on in," she said with a big smile plastered on her face.

Once we were inside. We went into the dining room. I didn't spot Jaden anywhere which is a good thing.

"You are Brad's little sister right," she asked me.

"Oh yes I'm Celestia," I replied with a smile.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." She smiled at me.

She told me her name is Janet. She said Jaden is taking a bath and will join us soon.

I was thinking maybe he was not at home but why should I be surprise. Because usually things that i want never happens.

Janet told us to take a seat at the dining table while she goes to bring the food. I decided to follow her so I can help. She insisted for me not to come but I went anyway. She seems nice compared to Jaden who is the complete opposite.

She made instant pot chicken alfredo. And the aroma was too good.

"The alfredo smells too good, I bet it taste good too," I told her.

"Oh thank you beautiful, it's Jaden who prepared it." She said taking the plates to the dining room while telling me to grab the glasses.

Well I didn't know Jaden could cook.

I took the glasses when all of a sudden a dog appeared in front of me. I was startled and almost dropped the glasses.

Just then I saw Jaden appeared in front of me and he started patting the dog.

Snatched! Jaden's hair was wet and messy. The way the curls were coming down on his face. Oh my lawwrddd!! I just hope something else doesn't get wet!

"Tucker, it's not good to scare the guests like that. Now be a good boy and go over there," he said to the dog whose name is Tucker.

He got up and looked at me with an amused look.

"Were you scared of him?" he questioned like he was mocking me. Pendejo!


He cut me off and took a step towards me.

"Well don't be, because he doesn't bite. But I do." He whispered into my ear sending chills throughout my body.

Thank God just in time we heard his mom came in and he took a step back still having this mischievous smile on his face.

"The dinner is ready, come on," Janet says to us.

There was a seat next to Brad, I rushed to go there or else I'll be stuck sitting next to Jaden. But unlucky as I was, Jaden was faster than me.

"Hey, that was my seat," I snapped at him.

"As far as I remember this is my house which means I decide where I'm gonna sit," He snapped back at me.

That boy is ungracious af. For starters he still didn't apologize to me and now he is audacious with his guests.

I took a seat next to Jaden trying to push my chair as far as possible which was in vain.

The food was served, we started eating when Dad and Janet got into a conversation about work and stuff while Brad and Jaden were talking about basketball.

I was in my thoughts when all of a sudden I started wondering where Jaden's dad was. His mother either didn't say anything about his dad. Maybe he's at work.

Once we were done eating dinner which was like forever, it was time for us to go.

I've never been happier in my life like I was right now.

I quickly said goodbye to Janet and went into the front yard. Brad was still talking with Janet and Dad went to the washroom.

I thought of not waiting for them and to go home because I was in no mood to talk to Jaden and whatever game he is playing.

Just as I took a step ahead, a hand grabbed my waist pulling me backwards.

I felt my back against someone's chest.


I can feel his hot breath on my neck. He gripped my waist tighter and whispered in my ears.

"Isn't it rude to go without saying goodbye Fresa?" He said in a tempting tone.

My heart... my heart was hammering so hard. I close my eyes for a second taking a deep breath.

I abruptly remove his hand from and waist and turning around to face him.

"You wanna know what is rude Mr Rizzo? It's YOU!!!" I pointed my finger at him stormed out from there.

This guy is getting in head. What does he want from me? ARGHHH!!

Once in my room. I quickly went to close my window.

Just when I was about to close my window to go to sleep again I saw him there.

"What!!" I snapped.

"Just admiring the view," he playfully said.

"Argh..." I was about to close my window on his face when he exclaimed.

"Wait!" What does he want now.

"Jaden, I swear if--"

"Imsorry," He rushed out.

What did he say!!! I was left speechless. Did I hear what he said or was that my conscious or a little birdy somewhere which i started searching behind the curtains.

"What are you doing?" He asked confused probably wondering what I'm looking for.

"What did you just say just 1 minutes ago I didn't hear you," I asked, looking shock.

"There's no way I'm saying that again," He muttered, shaking his head.

"Say it again," I insisted.

His light green eyes met mine. It's like he saw my pleading eyes wanted to hear what he said.

"I said I'm sorry.... For whatever reason it is," He said calmly.

"Ohhhhkay you are forgiven," I
grinned like a Cheshire cat.

Well guess the sorry wasn't that difficult to say. He finally got some sense.

"So... good night," He said before disappearing.

I just couldn't believe it that Jaden freaking Rizzo said sorry to me. The same guy who said sorry doesn't exist in his world.

There's something about the boy next door, he is not that bad like he pretends to be.

I layed on my bed thinking about what just happened with a big smile plastered on my face until I fell asleep.

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