Just an FYI

852 22 56

Ok hey hi hey you guys hi!


Just for future reference, I am 13. DO NOT PM ME.

I feel very uncomfortable with it,especially because the interwebs is a scary place.

This is just because I wanted to get this out there because a LOT of people have been PMing me and I have to delete them all because I don't want to die.

If you have a question just fucking comment it. Don't waste my time and yours.

I know that some of y'all didn't know this, and I did explain this to a new flower today, but some people still PM me!!!

So just fucking stop.

Next time it will be a block.

You are now free to shower me with compliments because I'm OnLy ThIrTeEn BuT yOu ArE a BeTtEr AuThOr ThAn Me.  Lol I know that all of that is bullshit. But please,

flatter me

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