Chapter 61

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Once upon a time, Sadie Kane was bored. And so, she went on down to the library, strolled through the LGBTQ+ section, grabbed a random book about trans and non-binary people, and read it.

    And then Sadie had a gender identity crisis.

    She'd heard of things like this in the past. Someone watched Jaiden Animation's video on being aroace, identified with that video, and later realized they were aroace themselves. Zia found out she was bisexual by reading random excerpts of the Bisexual Manifesto and relating too hard to it.

    That never happened to Sadie.

    Sadie learned she was bisexual through learning what it meant and the magic of hindsight. She went back to when she was watching Tinkerbell and wanting to marry Vidia, then saying, "Aw dang, I'm not a boy. Guess I'll marry Terence instead. He's also pretty." Honestly, she stood by it then, and she stood by it now. Both Vidia and Terence were perfect.

    But she never panicked about it. In fact, she just had a very long shower session where she went through her past and said, "Huh, that was kind of gay of me. But, I like boys? I guess I'm bi." And that was that.

    So it was quite an experience to sit with her hands raking through her hair, trying to figure out what exactly she was.

    She never really cared about being misgendered but would hate to be called a man. So she is most definitely not both. But she liked being feminine and wearing makeup and skirts and dresses.

    So she read on and found out that femme enbys exist.

    Femme enbys exist.

    Okay, here comes the hard part. She/they or they/them?

    Ah, shit, only one way to find out.

the best person ever: hi


the best person ever: so you are bi, correct?


the best person ever: you would still date someone who is nb, right?

PULITZER AND HEARST--: if their hot, yeah

the best person ever: ok cool because i think i might be nb


the best person ever: but idk yet, i'm experimenting

PULITZER AND HEARST--: so do you want to be called they/them until you figure it out?

the best person ever: i think so?? is that ok??

PULITZER AND HEARST--: sadie, it is your gender identity

PULITZER AND HEARST--: i think this is the only time you haven't been extraordinarily confident

the best person ever: yeah i'm kind of freaking out rn

PULITZER AND HEARST--: well, i will supposrt you either way because i think everyone's hot

PULITZER AND HEARST--: no matter what, i promise

the best person ever: can i call you?

Jaz answered by calling.

    As soon as Sadie picked up, they said, "I love you."

    Jaz was silent for a minute before whispering, "Oh my God! I love you too, but I've literally been writing a poem to give to you for our date."


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