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Hiya guys!

I'm making playlists for PJO characters because music helps me focus, and if you hadn't noticed I've been writing a LOT of solangelo

While I was writing them I listened to a lot of MCR and RJA

So, in order for me to make more diverse chapters, I am asking for your help with picking out songs.

I am currently working on Annabeth's, and I would love it if you would tell me a few songs and what character you think they'd go well with!

Remember, no one only listens to one genre of music, that's why I plan on adding some alternative music to Annabeth's playlist. I love alt rock, but I'm listening to alt pop and pop a lot more now. Palettes grow! Even Nico's will.

Okay, that's all! Also, Shel's music will be my favorite songs, so she's off limits.

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