Chapter 35

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thank you riptide2406 for the Everything Has Changed prompt (bro how many times have I tagged you lmao)

Percy buried his head in Grover's shoulder. "I'm a fucking idiot."

"Bullshit, but okay," Grover responded, patting his friend's back while sending a confused glance to Juniper, who shrugged in return.

"I literally don't know what to do?"

Grover's brows creased, and he looked back at Juniper, whose eyes had widened about twice their usual size. "What exactly," Juniper asked, "did you do?"

"I asked out Annabeth."

Juniper raised her arms to the sky with a whispered, "Halle-fucking-lujah." Grover abandoned Percy on his couch and began to play the song on his flute.

Percy just glared in response. "Fuck you guys."

"I'm asexual, Percy," Grover said monotonously.

Percy looked to Juniper for help. She only nodded. "No, because he actually is asexual." At Percy's middle finger, she added, "Oh, come on, you walked into it."

"Okay, okay, this is not my prob--can you put the flute down?"

Grover obliged.

"I do not know how to relationship or date," Percy said, glancing between the couple.

Percy didn't know how the explain the look Juniper and Grover passed.

"Perseus," Grover said. "I hope you are aware of the fact that whatever advice we give you will go out the door as soon as you actually go on that date."

"What?" Percy exclaimed, throwing his hands up in instinctual defense. "No, it won't."

"Yeah, it will," Juniper said as she began to comb through her hair.

It was safe to say the couple was not exactly helpful with Percy's dilemma.

It also didn't help that he couldn't explain his feelings.

At least not without abstract metaphors that sound like they came from a Taylor Swift song.

God, ironically, the only way could possibly put his feelings into words was through a Taylor Swift song.

He really wanted to watch as his walls, painted blue, began to crumble down as he opened up the door to her. His stomach was like butterflies, the beautiful kind.

It was a perfect, terrifying, fluttering, and strong feeling.

He supposed a more normal way to describe it would be love.


All Annabeth knew when she woke was that she knew something now that she didn't before.

All she'd seen since 18 hours ago was green eyes and freckles and his lop-sided smile in the back of her mind.

And that was all she continued to see until it wasn't in her mind anymore.

Annabeth saw Percy again in Hoffman's class.

Unfortunately, they couldn't talk as Hoffman passed out the tests.

Annabeth loved her brain because as soon as the paper hit her desk, her brain forgot all about Perseus Jackson and zoned in on the tiny print of the test.

Annabeth spent all of the previous night studying the hell out of her flashcards, textbook, notes (written twice), and study guide. She even did a few Kahoots.

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