Chapter 73

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Hazel was not tired. It was probably because she made the stupid decision to drink Nico's coffee, hoping it would taste like shit, but it was wonderous, and she ended up drinking a full mug. She also forgot that Italians adore caffeine. Oops.

    So, she did what any rational human being would do at 2a.m.: Play a horror game with her brother and his friends. She didn't want to play the horror game; she wanted to thirst over various hot people and get Zagreus into a throuple. Unfortunately, Nico lacked taste.

    Still, she stayed there until the group failed to identify the possessed body, and someone was folded like a lawn chair. Then, she texted Frank.

screaming: do you have a healthy sleep schedule

why are you screaming?: yes but i forgot to turn of my ringer

screaming: oof sorry

why are you screaming?: meh, it's fine

why are you screaming?: wyd

screaming: trying to figure out what to do with my life

why are you screaming?: eat something

screaming: you fucking genius

    Hazel ventured into the kitchen and stared at the food available to her. She settled on a bag of Spicy Nacho Doritos. She smiled at the bag, but the bag crinkled. Betrayal!

    She had 15 seconds before Hades arrived at the scene. He looked at her and sighed. "That fucking coffee."

    Hazel nodded.

    "Is he up?"

    "Yes," Hazel said, having no problem ratting out her brother. "He's playing a video game."

    Hades hummed. "I never understood that stuff," he muttered. "Listen, don't tell your mother I'm up, she'll brag about it."

    Hazel knew a peace offering when she saw it, so she gave a mock salute. She brought the food of the gods up to her room and called Frank.

    "Hi," she whispered.

    "Hey," he also whispered. "How are you?"

    "I'm alright. You?"

    "I'm good. My grandma made egg fried rice and I benched my first 200. In pounds. Not kilos."

    "Oh shit," Hazel whispered. "That's really fucking heavy. I can barely bench the bar."

    "You just got a membership, Hazel. The fact that you can already bench the bar means that you're going to be ripped."

    Hazel smiled. "Yeah right. I could never be like you."

    Frank laughed. "I'm not ripped."

    Hazel had to pause for a moment. "Are you serious?" she sternly whispered.

    "Yeah. I'm what SZA was talking about in her SNL skit."

    "You can bench 200."

    "Still not ripped."

    "You have a healthy ratio," Hazel countered. "Besides, people who have, like, ultra-defined muscles never fucking eat. I like it when people know what they need. And also, SZA doesn't like men on steroids."

    Frank was silent for a moment. "You make a valid point."

    "I know." Hazel shoved a handful of chips into her mouth.

    "What made your day alright?"

    "Well," Hazel started, "it was kind of a rollercoaster. I was really happy because it's been three days and my hair still looks defined. My mom made me tea herself this morning. Her tea is god-tier, I swear. Then, Ms. Chau wasn't at school today and I ascended. But, I deleted every song by rapper-who-shall-not-be-named from all of my playlists and I feel a gaping hole in my heart that only eating chips could fill."

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