Chapter 50

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Leo jolted awake at the blaring alarm. He wanted to throw it against the wall.

    His foster brother, Harley, groaned in the bunk below him. "I hate that your school starts so fu-fricking early."

    Leo smiled. "Damn, I almost caught you."

    Harley chucked a pillow at him.


As the musical came dangerously close to opening (two months away from opening night), Leo began spending his time in tech in the warehouse.

    It was therapeutic. He couldn't exactly use the garage in his foster home to build stuff. Sure, he might make a dollhouse for one of the ten kids in that household, but that was reserved for when Gaia needed help with gifts. There wasn't enough space to do big projects, especially not what he wanted to do.

    The Lego machines he'd managed to make have been great, but he wanted to do more. So, creating a platform would do nicely.

    This was a much easier project than some of Leo's others. This only required some basic measurements, a saw, a shit ton of wood, some stains, maybe a few dowels, and a plethora of nails and screws.

    Today, Leo was staining. Well, starting to, at least. He needed to finish sanding down one long piece and then--if he had the time--prime the wood. So, no staining. That'll probably be tomorrow.

    To him, that was fine! Staining was a pain in the ass. Too much; it looks like shit. Too little; it looks like shit. Not even; yep, it'll look like shit. All in all, if he didn't do this right, it would look like shit, and he'd need to sand everything down again and start over.

    As Leo expected, the primer didn't dry in time to stain any wood, but that's okay.

    Now, Leo had a free period.

    Leo had finished his essay yesterday because he was responsible when it came to school and also because he was hella bored. Actually, it was just because he was hella bored. It didn't matter; either way, he got a 100 and still had straight As.

    So, he spent his time on his phone when Jason texted him.

blond superman...idk: after much consideration

blond superman...idk: I have decided to name myself the gay guy from netflix movies

a literal elf: YEEEES

gay guy in netflix movies: thank you hold the applause


gay guy in netflix movies: are you just not doing the essay

a literal elf: I finished it

a literal elf: YOU aren't doing the essay

gay guy in netflix movies: shut

a literal elf: no

a literal elf: get off your ass and work

gay guy in netflix movies: you can't just quote kim k and expect that to sway me--

a literal elf: idk what you're talking about

a literal elf: she has had to work SO hard her entire life

a literal elf: she's just like marilyn monroe 😩

gay guy in netflix movies: ...

gay guy in netflix movies: i'm just going to ignore that

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