Chapter 37

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thank you to All Too Well for being the perfect prompt :)

Also, thank you riptide2406 for the "Golden" prompt

Alex folded the letter and did the only thing he could do:

    Sit on the floor while listening to sad music and reading Emily Dickinson.

    Well, that was the plan until he realized he hadn't listened to All Too Well, any version, by Taylor Swift.

    Apparently, that was the sad song.

    He decided to make himself suffer more by listening to the 10-minute version.

    It didn't exactly help his situation.

    Mainly because he began to remember more as he listened to the song. Now he's heard the music precisely 52 times, and it's 11 pm. He's lying on the floor sobbing his guts out, trying so hard not to make a sound.

    It was precisely like Adrian, which makes Alex the Taylor Swift, and his dead boyfriend was Jake Gyllenhaal.

    But that was what Alex was looking for, wasn't it?

    He was looking for that confirmation that Adrian was 3 years older than him.

    That may not sound like a lot, but that's a 6th grader dating an 8th grader. Those relationships are so obviously abusive.

    But he was still listening to the song, now for the 53rd time, and Taylor said, "If we'd been closer in age, maybe it would have been fine."

    That broke him again because those were his words when Adrian broke up with him the first time.

    And yet, Alex fought to get him back, and it worked, and when he went to Adrian's sister's house, he'd left a scarf there.

    He's sure it's still in one of those drawers, even now.

    Adrian talked with his sweet disposition and Alex's wide-eyed gaze on the way home. They ended up singing in the car, getting lost upstate. Adrian ran the red in that small town street because he looked at Alex.

    And Alex remembered it all too well.

    Alex remembered once when they were skipping town thinking, he'll call it was it is. He never did. Alex never brought it up.

    But Alex would always forget about it when they danced in the kitchen under the refrigerator light. Alex doubted his parents knew.

    Adrian kept Alex a secret, but Alex kept him like an oath.

    Alex wanted it to be lost in translation. That never really happened because he was there, and he remembered it all too well. But did he really remember correctly?

    He ended up falling asleep to his sobbing as he realized he did not, in fact, remember correctly.


Nico was blasting Golden as he put on a sports bra, which was too tight. But that was all he had since the binder had yet to arrive.

    Hopefully, the weather would cooperate with Nico and stay cool and allow him to be comfortable in an oversized sweater.

    Surprisingly, Nico wasn't scared; he was out of his head.

    Will, who met Nico on the second stop on the L-train, was scared.

    Who could blame him, really? Hearts get broken.

    Still, it didn't stop Nico from thinking, You're so golden.

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