Chapter 75 but its april fools so not really

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hi my violation beans, yes this is me

here to apologize for the lack of updates, life's been pretty shit for me, but i am trying the best i can. the goal is to wrap this up soon so i can put my full attention to my other fics, but it will probably happen over the summer after exams

i know i don't need to update blah blah blah, but i still feel bad. so have our now annual joke chapter.

no trigger warnings, but there will be a lot of cringe and general bullshit.

okay bye




oops be careful with the angst hehehehehe (*^^*)

okkkkkk on with the chappie!!!!!


annabeth pov

on the ride to school i was tired and even though i own an expensive car in nyc somehow and have my drivers license despite clearly not knowing how to drive, i made it through and got to school

i love school so much, especially since i have no disabilities that would make school more difficult for me nor do i have imposter syndrome made worse from the endless perfectionism that comes with being praised as a gifted child. however i think anyone who is slightly below me is an idiot because that makes sense for me as a character

today was the first day after winter break so we have a new schedule. yayyyyyyyy! i is excited.

i was placed in all smart people classes!!!!!

here is my schedule

annabeth andromeda chase lolol my name is soooo unique!!!!

student id # 20004621

homeroom - janet white room 5-201

AP marine science - posiden water room 6-113

USH - andrew jackson 4-323

AP lang - paul blofis (A/N i mean blowfish alwhdwjsbwidvj) room 4-211

AP calculus AB - hera juno room 4-125

music class with no other specifications nor will there ever be any details as to what instruments i play, however it will not stop me from pretending that i am a musical genius even though the author very clearly knows nothing about instruments, music theory, choir, and the authors only musical theatre experience is watching hamilton and that one bootleg of heathers, but not the superior UK version - apollo sun music solace room 2-162

AP greek mythology and greek language and roman mythology and latin class but rather than simply calling it mythological studies or focusing on a particular language the author wants both of them, but putting mythology would force them to look into other forms of mythology, and will only ever do so once: The myth if Crator Lake which will be spelled incorrectly and credited to the incorrect tribe which will also be spelled incorrectly because the author really wants to live in LA with the amount of performance here - chiron brunner room 2-121

gym even though annabeth is around 16 and would have completed her gym requirements unless she plays a sport and based on her performance in this class she does have some experience though she seems to be good at everything and logically, you would think that based on her character she would have a background in fighting especially since her family is suburban even though they live in NYC (yes that is a self callout) and it would make sense if she randomly has the ability to judo flip someone and throw a punch correctly that she may have taken lessons when she was younger.
but no. annabeth is simply amazing and perfect and everything and has perfect technique. and even i, who is self taught and learned the basics of boxing by doing home workouts and watching too many videos, can tell that the author of this has never even watched a middle school girl fight that consists of pulling each others hair aggressively. and it does not hurt me to read this in the slightest. - gleason hedge room gymnasium even though most gymnasiums have small rooms inside of them with room numbers

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