Chapter 60

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i go into the full shel situation this chapter

it isn't super detailed, i'm not going to go all know my name on you

but it's detailed enough

trust me when i say that if you need to skip this chapter, skip it

you do not need to stay just because it's a fic you like or whatever

take care of yourself and i love you

Piper and Shel had left together from Sadie's house. It was calming. The Camry was just a bit warmer than the cooling, fall air. Small yet necessary comfort as they held hands while Shel drove. She'd mastered the art of driving one-handed almost as soon as she'd learned to drive. It would have been impossible to drink coffee if she hadn't. They listened to the songs Shel had on her slow playlist. Young and Beautiful, champagne problems, we fell in love in october, Michelle.

    They were in comfortable silence with the sounds of the songs playing softly as Piper checked her phone.

    "Oh shit," she said.

    Shel glanced at her. "What?"

    "PSAT scores are out. I got a 1110." Piper sighed. "Fuck."

    Shel raised a brow. "What are you talking about? That's a good score. I think it's, like, 70th percentile."

    "Yeah, college doesn't really care about the 70th percentile, Shel," Piper snapped.

    "Um, no. And 70th percentile is still above average, Pipes. Besides, it's just the PSAT." Shel loosened her grip on Piper's hand at her tone.

    "Yeah and the PSAT is a direct comparison to your SAT score."

    "So study." Shel laughed. "I know it seems like a big deal now, but trust me. Colleges care more about your admission essays and improvement than a PSAT score. Besides," Shel added, "you really don't need to worry about SAT scores."

    Piper turned to her. "What does that mean?"

    "It means that if you were to completely fail the SAT and ACT, you still have a pretty good chance of getting into college. Hell, you don't really need to go to college."

    "What? No."

    "Um, yeah."


    "Piper, you have money," Shel said. "Your dad has the money to afford you different opportunities. You could start your own brand with the beadwork you make. College isn't the end all be all, especially for you."

    There were many things people adored about Shel: her motherly instinct, her voice. But there was always something that drew people away. She was blunt. Too blunt.

    Piper pulled her hand away. "What do you mean by that, Shel?"

    "I mean colleges like rich people, Piper. And you have a fuck ton of resources at your disposal to give yourself better chances," Shel explained. "It's not meant to be a bad thing, Piper. It's just a fact."

    "I don't need my dad's money to get into a good school."

    "Woah, when did I say that? I just told you you have resources. I don't have those. All I have are some sob stories and a prayer. These things are harder for me. You have an advantage with a more rich lifestyle and diversity points. Your dad might give the college money. My family doesn't have that luxury of a diversity advantage in New York; everyone here is Spanish."

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