Chapter 14

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Calypso ran a finger down the callback list.

Shelby Silva Hicks, Sadie Kane, Jason Grace, Drew Tanaka, Thomas Jefferson Jr., Walter Stone, Oak Poison, Michael Kahale, Travis Stoll, Conner Stoll, Thomas Grey, August Hill, Calypso Nightshade...

She sighed. A few other names were down the line, but she couldn't bring herself to read them. As she moved away from the list, more people crowded around her, squealing in delight.

As excited as she was, Calypso wished she had more time than just 15 minutes to prepare for callbacks. She knew the musical by heart, and she knew the characters inside and out, but she would not make a good Persephone if she was put in the spot. At least without the time to properly prepare the way she was able to when she auditioned for one of the Fates.

She quickly went to the auditorium; it would be best to actually have a script to perform. Only a few other people were there. A boy with hair to his jawline sat next to a blond girl with pink streaks in her hair. Next to her was a blond guy with sun-kissed skin and dark circles beneath his eyes. As Calypso sat on the other side of the room, a girl burst in.

"The bathrooms here are fucking disgusting," she said as she ran her fingers through short and thick brown hair. "Like, how hard would it be to unclog a fucking toilet and fix a damn sink? We're all insane, right? Like, that's why we're here? It would be nice to make us less mentally unstable by cleaning the fucking bathroom."

Calypso knew Shel from Musical Theatre. She always seemed quiet until that moment.

She felt her nerves rise. Shel was an outstanding actress, better than any she'd seen on TV, even if the bar was low. She'd heard Shelby sing Predator from Jagged Little Pill and World Burn with Renee Rapp's octave up and Wait for Me Reprise and Forgiven. Hell, Shel once sang Burlesque with ease, and the main riff was perfect.

Calypso would be sure she'd be cast Eurydice if Drew hadn't gotten a callback as well. Drew was just as good. It might come down to chemistry and acting for this one.

That hardly happened here.

Lmao REALLLLY short chapter.

I just pulled this out of my ass.

At 11 last night.

It was okay-ish

I just really wanted to fangirl over Shel and make her amazing and perfect.

anyway, I started watching She-Ra and my girl Catra is UNHINGED

I love her though.

Idk about Catradora right now... I know Catra was manipulated and might be a sociopath, but that portal episode fucking broke me.

I just started season 4, please help me.

also I'm trying to write an original that I can hopefully publish on here, but every time I try no one reads it.

it makes me sad.

If I give you a decent summary will you read it please? You guys can be my beta readers if ever actually gets published and put on amazon for 2 bucks.

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