Chapter Seven

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Reyna wasn't a soulmate enthusiast, but she was fine with other people being with their soulmates. She didn't care much about the concept herself, but she respected other people for loving it. She was on hundred percent okay with anyone in the world having a soulmate.

Anyone in the world except herself.

Reyna didn't want a soulmate. Or a husband/wife/significant other. Or a friend with benefits. Reyna didn't want any of that for herself, though she would consider marrying for tax benefits.

Despite all of that, she still had a soulmate, unless that tree on her wrist was a really weird birthmark.

The tattoo had tormented her for years before realizing she would probably never meet whoever her presumed "soulmate" was. She'd taken one look at the statistics and laughed at herself.

I was so fucking worried I'd actually end up marrying because I had a soulmate, and I most likely will never even meet him or her or them.

That didn't stop her from wondering if her soulmate was scouring the earth looking for her. From wondering how that person would react if Reyna needed to have that discussion.

She shoved away the thoughts. Now wasn't the time to think about it, she had to focus on getting to Nico's cousin's house, whoever that might be. Reyna was Nico's ride to and from the theatre meeting, as Bianca was busy moving in with her girlfriend. Reyna considered leaving and coming back, but he loved hearing Nico sing, and these meeting were on of the few times she's seen him play live with an audience of more than three people.

Reyna looked back to the road, she was letting her mind wander in the middle of the street.

"Neeks, where do I turn?"

"You don't turn. Go straight," Nico answered. He let his hair droop to the size of a bob, causing the hair to cover his eyes. She almost didn't catch the glance he sent to his wrist and the plus-sign imbedded on it.

"You thinking about him?" Reyna asked.

"Not really."

Reyna snorted. "You either are or you aren't."

"Fine, I'm thinking about him. Turn left here."

Reyna turned her blinker on. "Have you met anyone who might fit?"

"Yeah, I met this guy he came up to me and said 'Hey, I'm going to be a doctor.' Love at first sight," Nico said. His voice was filled with exaggerated lust.

"Was he hot?"

"Hotter than Satan."

Reyna laughed as she turned. "Nope, I don't believe that. Satan is the most attractive guy you will ever meet. I would give Satan a high-five."

Nico howled. Many of those acquainted with Nico dubbed this a rare experience. If he even smiled the joke must have been hilarious. But not with Reyna, for her, Nico just let loose. "You would give Satan a high-five!"

"Who the hell wouldn't?" It was in moments like these when she realized why her mother left.

"I don't know, God?" Nico said between laughs and snorts. "You need to turn right on the next one."

Reyna made the turn into a very rich looking neighborhood. The sign was made with marble and in golden cursive was the name Shingslade Prince. She wouldn't be surprised if it were real gold. "Holy shit," she muttered. "You didn't say your cousin was rich."

"They're the kids of Beryl Grace," Nico said nonchalantly. "What would you expect?"

"Wait, you're related to Beryl Grace? As in Hallmark movie special guest that isn't so special anymore and Disney channel debut but the show didn't blow up so she stayed in Disney until she got in a movie that made 0 seem decent Beryl Grace?"

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