Chapter 69

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Today, Alex decided, would be a good day. She woke up early and listened to her "ACTIVATING SERATONIN" playlist and took the time to actually make her eyeliner symmetrical. Alex is aware of the fact that she is a goddess. She even decided to give a bug fuck you to the school dress code (not like they enforce it anyway) and wore a pink bralette with a pink skirt and her white combat boots. After much consideration, she added white sunglasses too.

    Then Alex went outside and found out that it was fucking freezing. It was a bit early for long sleeves; it was the beginning of October. Sure, Alex could justify maybe wearing jeans, but it being so cold that Alex needed to wear winter attire? Unacceptable.

    So, Alex went into her closet, filled with all the clothes she had made for herself, instead of going to the store like a normal person.

    Alex had a grey jacket. Boring as shit.

    She was planning on starting to make the clothes needed for winter that month. Of course, god looked down on Alex and said, "Oh, you have plans?" Then god decided to go bungee jumping on those plans right after cutting them down and mowing the remains with one of those overly expensive lawnmowers.

    As you can see, god and Alex are very good friends, and not in a gay way.

    Nevertheless, today would be an okay day. The first period went by just fine. She finished hemming Shel's trench coat and added some embellishments to the green Persephone dress. It was so calming to sew in the little flowers, despite it being tedious work. It was simple, routine. Needle in, needle out. Again. Again. Again. Embroidery was never a true talent of Alex, but it was fun. Besides, the patterns were simple enough.

    The rich voice of Christina Aguilera drowned out the rest of the world, and Alex was able to--finally--just be.

    She felt a tap on her shoulder and took out one headphone to listen to Magnus.


    "Hey," Alex responded.

    "I was, uh, looking for some people who might be able to help you," Magnus said.

    Alex poked her finger with the needle. "Magnus, you didn't have to--"

    "I wanted to," Magnus said. "I don't know why I didn't check before, but this is a school for people with mental health issues and disabilities. There's a therapist here, for free."

    Alex nodded and said she'd think about it.

    Then came ASL, and it seemed the universe had it out against Alex, as they now had to do a presentation where they interpreted ABC by Jackson Five into ASL. The I before E except after C, why 2+2 makes 4 parts of the song would prove to be her worst enemy. Meanwhile, Magnus (who sent Alex a video of him interpreting the chorus of WAP three days ago, saying ASL is a fun language) was having the time of his life.

    But it was fine. Alex would just take it slow. I before E after C why 2+2=4. Okay, that was easy slowed down. Speed it up. I before--that was not the sign for before. What the fuck was that? Hell, did she even sign I correctly? That was the fucking alphabet; she learned that a month and a half ago! Jesus Christ, how was she so fucking stupid? This was probably why she was abused.

    Oh, that was certainly a thought. Why did Alex think that? Well, it must have been true. Why else would people--

    "Hey," Magnus whispered, continuing to interpret the song with ease. "Fun fact. The reason the reverse cowgirl is illegal in Alabama is because you can never turn your back on family."

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