Chapter 62

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seaweed brain: hi

~gay~: hiya

seaweed brain: so i think i'm going to ask tomorrow before school starts

~gay~: kk do you know what you're going to do

seaweed brain: i'm gonna make a playlist and share it with her


seaweed brain: sure lmao

seaweed brain: but with so much taylor swift

~gay~: honestly valid


Nico refused to look at Will, to think about Will. He didn't deserve it. Not after he just killed his Kirby.

But it was fine. Nico came back stronger. His Kirby inhaled Will's Pit, absorbed his power, flew into the air, and turned into a rock to smash Pit. Pit died just in time for the Smash Orb to appear. Nico's hands began to sweat as Kirby ran for the orb. He could hear Will cursing. The rhythmic stream of "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit," only increased Nico's focus. Nico violently pressed the attack button, turned to punch Pit, then flew over to the top of the map, where he delivered a finishing strike to the orb. The weight on the couch shifted as Will scrambled to get to safety. However, Nico wasn't one to rush these things. No, he waited until the announce let out a bellowing "Three!" before cornering Pit and delivering a Final Smash. Pit died as the timer ended. Then there was silence. Ten thundering seconds of silence as the couple awaited the announcer.

"Final Smash!"

Nico paled. This would require utmost precision and speed. He quickly wiped his clammy hands on his pants before spurring into action. Kirby leaped across the map, barely dodging Pit's arrow. He flew into the vast air and fell as a rock, hitting Pit square in the face. Nico cheered as the announcer said, "And the winner is... KIRBY!"

Will groaned and dramatically fell, resting his head on Nico's lap. "You're too good."

Nico smiled. "I know." He gently combed his fingers through Will's hair.

After a moment, Will sat up, positioning himself so that their mouths were merely an inch apart. "Hi."


"I'm going to beat you this round."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Nico responded with a smile.

Will laughed. "Fuck you."

"Dude, we just started dating. Slow down." Nico was putting all of his energy into holding back a cackle.

Will snorted. "I hate you."

"Liar," Nico whispered.

"Yeah, I know." Will closed the distance between them for a brief moment. When he pulled away from the peck, he said, "But I'm still going to beat you."

"Sure you will!"

Will threw a pillow at Nico's face.


Hazel was pissed.

She wanted to scream, and punch, and kick, and cry, and claw at her face until nothing remained. And she wanted to do art. Her own art.

Hazel wanted to dump gallons of paint onto a perfectly prepped canvas and mix the paint with her hands, wearing a white dress.

Hazel wanted to grab a pen and scribble into her sketchbook. There would be no meaning to it, just pure, unending rage.

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