Chapter Nine

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United States History. Only the best class to make fun of. At least to Alex.

He'd never really cared much for History until now. He could deal with civics (it was a pretty beneficial class, after all). He could deal with World History (he actually found that one amazing). But, he hated the reminder of his heritage being second rate in the eyes of many. He hated seeing the terribly gory pictures of slaves being help on ships with nothing to drink but their own urine.

He just fucking hated it.

However, it was made for by having the best fucking students, excluding one specific Matt Sloan.

The students themselves were very accepting, including calling Alex by his chosen name. They respected him for being a guy or a girl at any given moment. Except, of course, Matt Make-America-Great-Again Sloan.

A paper was thrown in front of Alex. Bringing him, wait, no. Bringing her back to the shitty present.

"You guys have the first project of the year, said Ms. Smith. Her voice was so shrill and light and filled with fake happiness; it reminded Alex of Umbridge. She just didn't know how similar the two were. "It's about the side effects of the French and Indian war. If you were paying attention, you'd know that the war was a massive part of the colonists declaring independence.

"I want a PowerPoint about a topic and reasoning behind the topic. Make it pretty. Make some transitions. Make it school appropriate."

Alex rolled her eyes. What was it with teachers and PowerPoint? It was worse than the fucking bitmoji classrooms they put on their PowerPoint.

Alex went through the paper on her desk before finding the dreaded words. Partners.

Alex wanted to fucking barf.

It was a god. Damn. Fucking. PowerPoint.

Why the hell would she need help with that shit? The entire fucking project was built on a few pages and shitty fonts.

She sighed and continued to read.

Partners are optional. If you choose to do a partnered project, the two must be in the same period.

Wow, Alex was a dumbass.

Still, why the hell would partners be necessary?

Alex looked around the room. Almost half of the class were paired.

What a bunch of idiots.

Alex looked through the taxes implemented in the States after the war. She rolled her eyes every time the colonists complained. It was almost as if war cost a shit ton of money? And, maybe, the king had the right to tax them, as he is their fucking king? Also like, the colonists were a big part of this war. It's almost like... They should pay for it?

She was genuinely afraid of these men at this point.

Alex looked around the class before taking out her phone. It had been vibrating.

Magnus texted her.

Blofis is asking us about college.

"Oh shit," Alex muttered.

She quickly wrote a reply.

Do you even know your top college yet?


She looked back at her textbook; while she may not care about the class, she did care about getting a decent grade.

What's your major? Alex asked.

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