Chapter 52

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Thanks A-E-I-O-ew-U for the Butterflies song prompt!

Magnus didn't know what to do.

    He expected this; he knew that today was going to come. It happens every year without fail. It was a date. An actual date that was written on his calendar. And every year, without fail, he would cross out that date, thinking, I'll be over it by next year. And every year, without fail, he was wrong.

    Though he supposes, that's what happens when you lose someone you loved more than you could have ever loved yourself. When you lose someone whose love for you was more incredible than anything Magnus had experienced before.

    And today would have been her birthday. She would have just turned 40.

    When Magnus woke up, crossed out the date, and walked into the kitchen, Hearth already had flowers for him to bring, and Blitz was already making breakfast.


seaweed brain: can we start planning now

~gay~: Perseus

~gay~: i love you

~gay~: but it's 5 am

~gay~: give me a moment to feel alive again

seaweed brain: she's my girlfriend now



seaweed brain: yesterday




Shel dragged herself out of her bed, drawn to the aroma of onions and lime and garlic. It could have been literally any Latin dish ever, but Shel was excited nonetheless because if Shel's mother was cooking this early, it meant this was a slow meal. Like, this dish takes all day, maybe even night, to make.

    Shel gave herself three guesses: vaca frita, ropa vieja, filling for an arepa, empanada, or tamale.

    She picked up Goblin, who tried to sit on her head, and walked into the kitchen. She went into the pantry to get some wet food while Goblin scratched her arms to get down, so Shel let her down. The cat then began to beg to be picked up again.

    "No, you little shit," Shel muttered so only Goblin could hear. Then Shel felt bad for calling her cat a little shit and pet her before draining the food.

    "Shelbita," her mother said, "when you get home, I need you to check the slow cooker to see if it's done. Then you need to sauté onions and fry...we'll do one clove of garlic."

    "Vaca frita?" Shel asked, dumping the disgusting much that was cat food into a bowl while Goblin loudly mewed. "Jesus, I'm coming. Calm down." She set down the bowl.

    "Yeah, I'm going to start seasoning in a little." Jackie turned to face her daughter. "Are you taking the car or the subway?"

    "Subway. I don't want to put in gas." Shel paused for a moment. "Ma, can you put gas in the car soon?"

    Jackie glared at her child. "I hate getting gas."

    "Yeah, but because you love me--"



Magnus' morning was going fine. Well, as fine as one could be when it's your dead mom's birthday. Then school, which already had a stick up its ass, decided to push it up further and throw its head in its ass as well because Magnus had a fucking geometry test today.

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