Chapter 53

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thanks riptide2406 for the cardigan song prompt. yes i am aware that this request is almost a year old, but whatever


Well, well, well. How the turntables.

In all seriousness, I do understand. I couldn't find any good poetry that fully showed that feeling, so take the bridge from Hayley William's Leave It Alone.

"If you know love, you best prepare to grieve. Let it enter your open heart and then prepare to let it bleed."

My Abuelo was my life. More of a father than my... biological sperm donor, we shall call him. He was the person to buy my first sewing machine even when my sperm donor broke it a moment later. He used to take me to fabric stores and let me buy yards upon yards of fabric. In reality, it was a thrift store and he bought me sheets to repurpose, but that was my world.

Then he died, and thus I died with him.

I suppose it was more of the hope I still had about the world died because now I couldn't escape my dad. And then whoops, I'm pan, and whoops, I'm genderfluid.

My Abuelo understood. He used to tell me that he dated a guy when he was younger and told me how he donated what little money he had to Act Up. Abuelo knew before I did.

I know how it feels to love and to bleed. I understand if you need a shoulder to cry on, but I cannot say my shoulder will be comfortable due to my discomfort with touch. I hope it is enough.

If it isn't, know that you can take all the time you need. I will be here when you get back.

Maybe you don't need that, though.

You know that not all battles are physical. Not all wars are fought with armies charging across the battlefield with vicious war cries erupting from their hope-filled throats. Sometimes a battle is taking your brain and emotions and pushing them aside to get out of bed. Sometimes a war is taking medication until you don't have as many nightmares.

Either way, you've fought harder than I could imagine. You, Magnus Chase, are stronger than I could ever be.




~gay~: I love parenting the kids who are book smart but don't know shit about emotions

~gay~: it's such a roller coaster

king krusty: lmao, how's that

~gay~: I don't even think he would've realized he had a massive fucking crush if I wasn't there

b i c e p s: omg it's carter

panic academia: omg it's me

panic academia: also does anyone else have gen pap

king krusty: I don't have the brain power

~gay~: I'm too dumb for that class

b i c e p s: not really, they just have stupid requirements. it's literally english but more entertaining

panic academia: ok I just need help deciding on a prompt

panic academia: we can literally choose any prompt we want so long as it gets approved

~gay~: to what extent is the media responsible for the perception of truth in the world today?

b i c e p s: that took you five seconds

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