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control: after getting locked in a room together, y/n and jj are forced to face their differences.

"Are you almost here?" Kie groaned into the phone. I lightly chuckled and finished shoving the rest of my clothes into my backpack before swinging it over my shoulder.

"Leaving now." I answered. We said our quick goodbyes and I yelled upstairs to my parents that I'd be back tomorrow. The girls and I had annual girls nights twice a month, tonight being one of them. Thankfully, my parents weren't up my ass and they understood that seventeen year old girls needed their freedom.

I hopped in my old, beat up, hand-me-down Impala and made my way across Figure-Eight to Kiaras house, parking in my usual spot next to Sarah. With a small smile on my face and eagerness flowing through my veins, I grabbed my backpack and made my way inside.

"Hey, ladies!" I exclaimed when I entered the house, a big smile plastered on my lips. I kicked my converse off my feet and saw the three girls looking at me from the couch, all of them sipping beers and talking amongst themselves, "What's on the agenda?"

"Kie got a cool card drinking game," Sarah smirked at me while wiggling her eyebrows up and down. I winked at her and grabbed a beer from the fridge, cracking it open and taking a sip.

"Since her parents aren't home it'll be more fun." Cleo added and I quickly agreed. Girls nights were always more fun when Mike and Anna weren't around, they killed the vibe and cut us off after two beers each.

"I think I left it in my room, can you go grab it?" Kie pointed up the stairs and I nodded my head while holding the strap of my backpack. I had to bring it upstairs anyway so it's not like it was out of my way, "It's on my bed."

"Yeah, be right back." I turned on my heels and skipped stairs, almost running out of breath in the process. Once I reached her room I pushed the door open and was greeted by three pairs of familiar eyes staring at me. Those eyes belonging to John B, Pope, and JJ, "Uh, hi?" I furrowed my brows and awkwardly dropped my back, "Is girls night being invaded?" I joked.

"Not exactly." John B raised a brow and looked at JJ, who looked just as clueless as me, "We need to talk." He awkwardly moved until he was standing between me and the door, Pope following slowly behind.

"More like you two need to talk," Pope pointed at the two of us and we scoffed at one another, "Bye now." The door suddenly slammed shut and I heard it lock behind them. They seriously went out of their way to flip the door handle around to lock from the outside.

"Pope! John B!" I knocked on the door with anger seeping through my words, "Open the door!"

"Not until you two kiss and make up!" John B chuckled back. I wasn't finding the amusement in locking me in a room with my least favorite person, but they were getting a kick out of it, "Be back in a few hours to let you guys out!"

"Have fun!" Pope sang. I banged on the door a few more times, but gave up when I heard footsteps walking down the stairs then complete and utter silence. Out of defeat, I sighed and rested my forehead against the wooden door. Then I got a bright idea, the window.

"What are you doing?" JJ asked as I walked across Kiaras room and tried opening the window, "It's not gonna—"

"Shut up." I cut him off and continued trying to pry it open. My eyes scanned the window, curious as to why it wasn't budging, "They bolted the damn thing shut." I realized, "You've gotta be fucking—"

"Would you chill out?" JJ scoffed. My jaw threatened to drop as I turned to look at him. He took this time to kick back and relax, resting his arms behind his head as he kicked his feet onto the bed and closed his eyes, "They've gotta let us out eventually."

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