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blame: y/n takes the fall for the pogues when they get caught in the crain house, landing her in jail and for her and jj to argue.

"I'm just saying, I'm a pogue, JJ, which means I should be able to come." I begged into the phone. Ever since this whole 'gold hunt' began JJ has been distancing himself from me and every time I bring it up he says it's to keep me safe, "What ever happened to P4L, huh?"

"Just listen to me, as much as we all want you here we need you safe. I need you safe." His voice got lower and I heard the rest of the pogues bickering in the background.

"What about Sarah and Kie? John B doesn't make Sarah stay at home and no one tells Kie what to do, why do I get shoved away?" My voice raised a bit, I was beginning to get annoyed. I was the one who pieced the puzzle together and figured out where the gold could be. I was the one who snagged the rov from the impound to search for the Royal Merchant.

"Do this for me...please?" I let the line go silent, "Stay home and I'll be over later, I'll sneak through your window like usual and we can cuddle all night." Now he was trying to negotiate. Well unlucky for him, I've always been the stubborn type. I wasn't giving in this time, no way. I've been a part of the pogues since third grade, I'm not letting him shove me away anymore because of 'danger'.

"Actually, JJ, I think it's best you just stay at the chateau tonight." I tried my best not to let my emotions get the best of me, because I knew my words would hurt him.

"Y/n, please—"

"I, uh, gotta go, my mom needs help making dinner." I lied quickly and ended the call. I threw my phone onto my bed and held onto the metal frame, sucking in a deep breath to try and calm myself down. I knew the rest of the pogues wanted me to come with them but every time they tried JJ would argue against it. John B said it himself, they needed me. I was good at keeping the group level-headed, especially JJ, when things got messy.

I knew JJ would be pissed at me but I needed to be there with them. So, I changed my clothes and grabbed my backpack. Heading downstairs I turned towards my mom who was watching TV in the living room, "I'm staying at Kie's tonight."

"Okay, have fun, don't get into trouble!" She called out and I stifled a laugh.

"No promises!" I semi-joked as I shut the front door behind me. I knew the chances of me getting in trouble have been triple ever since this gold hunt began, but I didn't care. We needed that money. Quickly getting onto my bike I pedaled towards the chateau, hoping to catch them before they left.

As I hurriedly made my way down the sidewalk I saw the Twinkie drive through an intersection, "Dammit." I cursed, making note of what direction it was going so I could follow. Even though I pedaled as fast as I could, I couldn't keep up. But after awhile I saw it parked across the street from the Crain house. Exactly where I figured it would be.

"Here goes nothing." I muttered to myself and jumped the fence. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw the group enter the house and my suspicions were confirmed when I heard screaming. My heart began to race as I ran towards a window and grunted to try and push it open, but it wouldn't budge. So I tried again and again. After finally giving up to look for how they got in I saw red and blue flashing lights enter the driveway.

"Stay right where you are!" A cop yelled. I held my hands up as I faced the house, looking to my left I saw the pogues bolting through the trees and away from the house. They didn't even see me, I knew they were only concerned with getting away so I couldn't blame them but it still stung a little, "Back up slowly!"

I did as the officer instructed until I was told to stop, suddenly my arms were pulled down as my wrists were handcuffed. The officer stepped in front of me and chuckled, "Breaking and entering, wouldn't expect anything less, Y/n."

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