mrs. badass

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mrs. badass: despite your best efforts to keep your injury a secret, you pass out due to the pain, revealing to everyone that you had gotten hurt after all.
I'm taking a scene from season 3 and just changing it ever so slightly, I hope no one minds :)
this was requested <3

Who would've thought we'd be in South America on a rescue mission for Kie. JJ had this half-baked plan of getting Singh and his men here for some type of leverage.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked my boyfriend quietly as we stood downstairs of the broken down building. If you could even call it that, the walls had crumbled and the floors were dirt and rocks.

"We don't have any other options, Y/n, you want your sister back, right?" Determination laced his words and I nodded my head yes, "Then you're going to have to trust me."

The plan was abruptly set in motion when one of Singh's men entered the building. JJ looked to me then pointed above us, nudging me to go upstairs with the rest of the pogues.

When I didn't move he nudged my shoulder softly, "Go, I need you safe." I didn't want to leave him down here alone but I decided to listen, we all had to play our part for this to work. I ran upstairs to see Cleo and Pope arguing about who would go for the legs and who would grab the gun.

"My god," I whispered and quietly chuckled, "I'll go for the gun." Despite JJ's earlier words of me having no part in taking the man down, I wasn't going to sit here and listen to them bicker, we didn't have time for it.

"No, I'll go for the gun." Cleo argued and I shook my head at her. I appreciated the hell out of her, but if anyone was going to go for the gun I needed it to be me. I couldn't risk anyone else getting hurt.

JJ ran past us and I knew the man wouldn't be far behind, "Cleo, I'm going for the gun." I sternly told her. I could tell she wanted to argue as our backs pressed against the stone walls but nodded her head yes, knowing she would lose the argument.

As the man walked into the room both Pope and Cleo went for his legs and I went for the gun. He struggled against me but was soon knocked to the ground, my hand grabbing the gun. A shot rang through the air as my ears began to ring, a slight sting in my side. I exhaled a breath and looked down, blood seeped through my shorts.

"I got the gun!" I yelled, fighting through the pain in my lower side. Pope knocked him unconscious and seconds later we heard multiple shots ring. JJ, followed by Sarah and John B, ran down the hallway as JJ held the gun in the air and fired two shots.

"It's an ambush! We gotta go!" John B yelled. I slid the gun into my waistband and kept my hand over the blood, hiding it from their sight. I couldn't be injured, not now, not before we have my sister back.

JJ grabbed onto my arm and pulled me along with him, turning around and making sure we weren't being followed.

"We're cornered." Sarah panicked. We began walking backwards down the hall as Singh's men ran throughout the building.

"No time to waste, let's go!" Cleo pointed to the elevator shaft before running towards it and grabbing onto the cable. I winced in pain and stumbled a bit, making JJ furrow his brows in confusion at me.

Sarah soon joined Cleo on the other cable and held her hand out for me, "Y/n! Jump!" I pushed through the pain and ran towards her, grabbing onto the cable as our legs dangled.

JJ's pov

Once I knew Y/n and the girls were safely making their way down the elevator shaft I ushered for Pope to jump, I did the same. John B was the last to grab onto a cable as gunshots sparked above us. We all ducked our heads and when we did I saw Y/n's face. She was paler than usual and when I looked harder I saw blood on her shorts.

"Y/n, are you hurt!?" I asked through the chaos.

"No, I'm—" She replied breathlessly, "I'm—" her grip on the cable let go and she began free-falling to the bottom. I screamed for her, my voice echoing off the metal walls of the elevator. My vision tunneled and I rapidly made my way to the bottom.

"Y/n?!" I yelled, her eyes were closed as I shook her shoulders. When I looked up I saw Singh's men pointing their guns down to us and we all pulled her out of the way.

"She must've gotten hit when she took that guys gun." Pope explained.

"Why did she go for the gun!?" I questioned. That wasn't the plan, Y/n wasn't supposed to go anywhere near a gun or a man twice her size.

"She'll be okay, it just grazed her." Cleo pulled the side of her shorts down enough to assess the injury and looked back up at me, "She probably passed out from shock. Can you carry her?"

I nodded my head and slipped my arms under her knees and back, lifting her off the ground. John B ran next to me, ready to offer help as Pope ran ahead, giving us a path to follow. My feet ran like my life depended on it, well, Y/n's life, actually.

Once we were far enough away we stopped in a clearing surrounded by trees as I laid her in the grass, "Why isn't she waking up?!" I exclaimed.

"Give her a minute." Sarah said, both her and Cleo were trying to stop the bleeding. I took the button up shirt that I was wearing off and handed it to them, hoping it would help.

"I think we're in the clear." John B said and we all relaxed.

"For now." Pope added. They both rejoined the group as we all watched my unconscious girlfriend.

"Come on, baby, wake up." I grabbed her hand in mine and held it tight. She's going to be okay. The bullet just grazed her. She's okay, she's gotta be—

"What the hell happened?" Y/n's eyelashes fluttered as she opened her eyes. I breathed a sigh of relief and laid my head into her chest, happy to feel her breathing.

"You got shot." Sarah informed her, keeping pressure on her side. It looked like the bleeding was slowing down but just barely. She needed bandages, so before we could save Kiara I had to make sure Y/n was okay.

"I got shot?" Y/n looked down and saw the blood, "Kinda badass." We all chuckled at the non-existent fear of danger she had.

My eyes locked with hers and I cupped her face, "The bullet grazed you, Mrs. badass." I joked and leaned down, placing a kiss onto her forehead, "Don't ever scare me like that again."

"You're one to talk, Mr. blunt end of a machete." She joked back. There's my girl. Even with her life on the line she was always the first to crack a joke, "But I'll try my best." She assured, grabbing my hand as she held it to her face.

I took over and held my shirt to her skin, applying pressure to subside the bleeding and she rested her head in my lap.

"Next time you get shot how about letting us know before we climb down an elevator shaft?" John B joked and did a handshake with Y/n. She smiled up at him with a thumbs up.

"Shut up and be happy I'm alive, JB." She responded, "I'm not dying anytime soon." Her voice softened and her eyes looked up at me, as if to promise she wouldn't be leaving me or this world anytime soon.


This isn't my best work and seems rushed so I'm sorry 😫

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