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Idk what this is, just started writing and this is what I came up with.

Don't forget, vote or comment if you enjoy :) I also take requests if you have any ideas you want written <3

Support means the world to me!

With a red solo cup full of beer in my hand I stood by the fire and danced to the music. I felt as though I was in my own world, just me and the music.

"Y/n, we're heading out!" Kiara yelled to me and I shooed her away. Tonight was a girls night so we decided to come to a party down on the beach while the guys stayed at the chateau and worked on fixing JJ's dirt bike.

"Nooooo." I groaned, pulling my hands away from her and finishing my drink. I almost stumbled into the fire as Sarah's arms went around me.

"You've had way too much to drink." She deadpanned and I shook my head no in argument.

"One more!" I begged. Once Sarah's grip on me loosened I took off towards the keg, tripping over my own feet and landing in the sand. I began laughing at myself and grabbed the side of the keg to help balance myself. As I messily filled my cup I saw Kiara come up next to me.

"Take a sip of that and I'm calling JJ." She threatened. I laughed her off as I put the cup to my lips, as I did she got out her phone, "I'm serious, Y/n, he'll throw you over his shoulder and take you off this beach himself."

"I'm not his problem." I mumbled, the drink beginning to enter my mouth as I tipped the cup back.

"He's like in love with you, you kinda are his problem." Sarah added as she grabbed the cup from me, making some of the beer spill on my shirt.

"My shirtttt, I liked this shirt." I pouted and looked down at my navy green tube top that was now covered in beer.

"Can you come down to the beach and get Y/n? We told her it's time to go and she's not listening." Kiara held the phone out and hit the speakerphone button.

"Be right there." I heard JJ say and the call ended. My eyes widened, she actually called JJ.

"Abort mission!" I yelled as I kicked my shoes off and ran towards the water. I felt as though I could run a marathon, I had so much energy and adrenaline I didn't know what to do with it.

Kiara and Sarah watched from the shore as I ran into the water and began splashing it around with my hands, "I'm a fucking mermaid!" I held my hands out and let my body fall back first into the water. As I went under I held my breath and pushed myself back up to the surface, but when I did I saw a familiar blonde staring at me.

"Get out of the water." JJ instructed. I stood up and shook my head no, "Y/n, get out of the water."

"No." I argued, pushing my wet hair out of my face and doing my best not to let my tube top slip down. I wanted to stay in the water, I was having fun. Why couldn't they just loosen up? "I'm a mermaid." I continued and let my body fall into the water again.

"You're not a fucking—okay, alright, fine. Have it your way." JJ huffed and began taking his work boots off. He walked towards the water and I backed up, making him come deeper, "This isn't funny, Y/n."

"Kinda is." I laughed. I tried to juke him out but his arm went around my waist, stopping me from doing so. 

"Up we go." He groaned and threw my body over his shoulder, "Can you guys grab my shoes?"

"Yeah, Sarah grab Y/n's?" I heard Kiara ask, Sarah agreed and ran back up the beach to grab my shoes.

"JJ, my top is going to slip off!" I gasped, holding onto the fabric of my shirt with a death grip, "Do you want the entire beach seeing my boobs!?"

"No," He replied, flipping me over and catching my body bridal style which gave me the opportunity to fix my top, "You can show me if you want." He stifled a laugh and through my slightly blurry, intoxicated vision I saw a smirk on his lips.

"You wish." I snickered as his arms tightened around me.

"I meant when you're sober, definitely wouldn't mind seeing you with your top off then." He corrected and I tried my best not to smile.

"Are you drunk?" I asked, poking his chest with my pointer finger as he walked us down the road. Kiara and Sarah followed close behind.


"Am I?" I asked, switching my finger to point to myself.

"Extremely." He spun around to face the girls as he was now walking backwards. The sudden switch made me dizzy, "Either of you have clothes at the chateau for her? I'm not taking her home like this."

"I do!" Kiara raised her hand, "She'll have to borrow a shirt from you though, I only brought shorts."

"That's fine." JJ responded and spun back around to he was now walking straight.

A few moments later we arrived back at the chateau. JJ sat me gently onto the porch as my feet hit the wood, keeping his arm around my waist for stability.

"What the hell?" John B asked.

"Why's she all wet?" Pope added. I began giggling and held my arms in the air.

"I'm a mermaid."

"You're not—" JJ began laughing, "I had to chase her into the water, she wanted to 'be a mermaid'." He quoted my words from earlier as we walked down the hall and to the room JJ stayed in. Once the door was shut behind us I pulled my tub top over my head, leaving me completely exposed as I turned around to face him.

"Y/n!" JJ exclaimed, quickly taking his shirt off and slipping it over my head, "Listen, under any other circumstance I'd love the fact that I just saw you half naked but you are drunk. Very drunk."

"You'd love that?" I asked, my voice was quiet and full of curiosity. As my fingers began unbuttoning my shorts he spun around.

"Uh, yeah—" He began but I cut him off.

"Help." I whined. I couldn't get the button undone, "I can't get my shorts off."

"You're killing me." He mumbled, when he turned around I saw his cheeks were bright red. Doing his best to undo my shorts without seeing too much he grabbed the pair of shorts Kiara had thrown in here and bent over, "Left foot." I listened, "Right foot." After both of my feet were in the pair of shorts he pulled them up my legs, snapping the waist band on my hips.

"So what you're saying is you wanna hook up with me." I whispered and placed my hands onto his bare sides, mesmerized by his body.

"I wanna do more than just hook up with you, Y/n." He looked down at my lips before inching away, "but right now you're drunk and need sleep."

"What do you mean by that?" I pushed for more information. I needed to know what he meant.

"I mean, I wanna be with you, sleep next to you, love you." He began raffling off words and I tried my best not to blush but I couldn't help it. My drunk self became giddy at his words as I smiled, "I want you to be my girl."

"I am your girl," I mumbled, falling onto the bed. He chuckled at me and hovered his body over mine as I cupped his cheeks in my hands, "I've always been your girl."

"Will you say the same tomorrow?" He asked, a hint of worry flashing onto his face.

"JJ," I became as serious as I could, "I'll say it every day for the rest of my life." He stood up straight and flipped the bedroom light off. The moonlight came through the window, illuminating his body as he walked to the side of the bed.

"What are you doing?" I questioned as I laid onto my side, letting my legs fall however they landed into the mattress.

"Sleeping next to my girl." He stated, pulling the comforter down and slipping underneath it, he pulled the fabric over me as well.

That night I went to sleep drunk, happy, and JJ's girl.


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