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stunt: y/n and rudy get in their first fight as a couple.
this was requested <3

Filming was exhausting and what made the day drag even more was Rudy wasn't there with me. Today we filmed most of the scenes for an episode entirely based on my character making a plan to save the pogues asses.

"Babe!?" I called out when I opened the door of our rented apartment, "I'm home!" I'm hoping he's not trying to nap because I wanted attention, it's been ten hours too long without a kiss from him.

After throwing my keys and bag onto the island I saw his blonde hair make it's way into the living room and plop down on the couch. He didn't say a word, no 'hey' or 'how was work', just sat silently, which was unusual.

"Tired?" I questioned with my back now facing him to rummage through the cupboards for a snack before starting dinner. I settled for a pop tart and began opening it as I shuffled into the living room to sit next to him.

"Nope." He deadpanned while completely ignoring me and scrolling through Instagram.

"I had a good day at work, thanks for asking." I replied, the smallest bit of sarcasm lacing my words. When he didn't respond I felt my stomach twist with worry, was he mad at me? What could I have done? "Is something wrong? Usually we always sit down and talk about our day together."

"Madelyn sent me a video earlier, I thought we had a deal?" He snapped back at me and I furrowed my brows. In the past year we've been dating we've made a lot of silly 'deals' so I was confused which one he was referring to. When he saw my face he went to his and Madelyn's texts and played the video she had sent him. It was a video of me hooked up to a harness filming a stunt for the show, above the video was a text that read 'Your girlfriend is mine now😍'.

"I'm not seeing a problem here..?" I trailed off, "Are you jealous of Madelyn? Rudy, you don't have to worry about that, we play flirt. I think we've kissed like twice and it was before me and you were official." I shrugged and broke a piece of my pop tart and threw it into my mouth.

"Wait? What? You kissed—" He paused, "Not the point. The point is, we had a deal. You promised you'd use a stunt double."

Finally realizing what he was upset about my lips formed an 'o' shape and I sat my snack onto the coffee table, "I promised I'd use a double for stunts that were actually dangerous, that stunt was simple."

He tossed his phone onto the table and stood up off the couch, "Any stunt that requires you to be hooked up to a harness is dangerous, Y/n. You know how I feel about that."

"Ru, I'm a grown woman, I can do stunts if I want to." I mimicked his stance and stood up off the couch as well. I knew he worried about me, but the stunt wasn't nearly as dangerous as it looked and I had fun, that's what matters.

"Don't 'Ru' me right now, we had a deal and you broke it." He pointed his finger at me and I could visibly see how upset he was, "What if something would've happened, huh? That harness could've broke, it could've been too loose, anything."

"But none of those things happened!" I felt myself getting a bit agitated and raised my voice a tad, wanting to get my point across. He rounded the coffee table and ran his fingers through his hair.

"But what if they did!?" His arms fell to his sides and he looked right into my eyes. I let out a sigh and looked away from him, his gaze making my stomach drop. Arguing with him in general made me feel nauseous. This is the first time either of us have even raised our voice at the other, I didn't like it one bit.

"I have never once told you not to do your own stunts!" I shouted back, "Because I know how much fun you have! Sorry I don't want to be in a damn bubble while everyone else gets to have fun on set! Stunts are part of the job, Rudy!"

"That's not the point!" He argued, "I do want you to have fun on set!"

"Then what's the problem!?" We fell into silence, both of our chests breathing heavily to catch the air we had lost from shouting. I went to speak but my voice broke, silent tears began falling from my eyes. I suddenly began worrying that this small fight was going to escalate to him leaving me and I couldn't bare that thought, "Are you breaking up with me?" My voice was shaky and weak.

"What?" His expression softened when he saw the tears staining my cheeks, "No, I am not breaking up with you. Come here." In a few small steps he was pulling me into his arms and rubbing the back of my head while he held it to his chest, "I've seen stunts go wrong, alright? I don't ever want that to happen to you. I can't lose you."

I was still taking deep breaths but managed to nod my head to confirm I heard what he said. I never thought about how dangerous our job could actually be at times. As safe as the crew tries to be, things can still go wrong at any moment.

"I'm sorry." I cried to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. My face was now completely buried in his chest desperately trying to get as close to him as possible.

"You're okay. I'm sorry for yelling, I know you hate that." He was right. I had a bad past with shouting and abandonment issues, so us arguing instantly made me believe we were over, "I love you. I'm not going anywhere."

"I love," I sucked in a sharp breath, "you, too." I ran my fingers over the fabric of his shirt as a way to ground myself and slowed my breathing.

"Look at me, pretty girl," He pulled away slightly and held my face in his hands, his thumb wiping away from of my tears, "I know stunts are fun but I'd rather have you safe."

I took hands and wiped them against my skin to rid the leftover tears, "Then no more stunts for you either." A small laugh left my lips and he chuckled as well.

"Deal." He agreed with a small closed-mouth smile, his adorable dimple showing, "Now how about we watch movies and talk all about your day?" I nodded up at him and walked back over to the couch. He sat down and leaned back, opening his arms for me to join.

With a movie now playing and the tension released from the room I let myself relax as I laid with him. Questions and answers about my day flying around the room and we laughed at any joke the other would make. If today has taught me anything, it's that this man loves me more than life itself.


Mehhhh not my best work but I tried my best :) it was hard for me to come up with a reason for them to argue until a lovely friend helped me out <3

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