mrs. maybank

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Mrs. Maybank: Y/n, Cleo, and Kiara come up with the idea to hold a 'wedding ceremony' for John B and Sarah. During their sweet moment JJ decides it's time to make you Mrs. Maybank.
Some fluff cause I'm sad :(

"Cleo, can you help me?" I asked. I was struggling to stick this weird flower archway into the ground so it wouldn't fall. Today we were surprising Sarah and John B with a wedding ceremony, after everything we've all been through they deserve to have us there for the moment. Although, none of it was actually legal, that didn't matter to any of us. To us it was real, which made this all worth it.

"Here ya go." Cleo smiled after helping me. Kiara joined us and tied the last of the flowers to the chairs. Pope and JJ were currently keeping the Routledges distracted so we could set this all up.

"So they'll walk down this aisle." Kie began walking down the trail of flower petals between the chairs we had. Two on each side and Kie wanted to officiate so she'd be up at the makeshift alter, "They'll stand here." She stopped under the archway and faced us, "It's perfect."

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, a text from JJ.

We tried holding them off but they know something is up. Coming in hot.

"Good," I smiled and turned around, "Cause they're here." The three of us quickly walked back down the flower trail and held our arms in the air as the four emerged into the backyard of my house.

"Surprise!" We all cheered. Sarah's hands flew over her mouth and John B's jaw dropped. Pope walked over to Cleo and JJ to me, resting his arm over my shoulders. I let my hands fall as one arm went around his waist, my head lazily leaning onto his chest.

"What's all this?" John B asked, pointing to all the decorations and twinkly lights hung above us.

"This is the ceremony you two never got." I answered and walked to Sarah, taking both of her hands in mine in front of us, "Because you guys deserve it." Kie and Cleo came up behind me as they pulled us both into a hug.

JJ's pov

"Why do chicks always cry over this stuff?" I quietly asked Pope with a nudge to his arm. All the girls had sentimental tears in their eyes.

"It's marriage, of course they're gonna cry," Pope answered, "Same thing with puppies or literally any animal whatsoever." We both chuckled and refocused our attention to the girls as they parted.

"I'm getting married." John B walked over to us with an excited, but nervous smile and we gave him a small 'bro hug' with pats on the back.

This was all so weird to me. None of this was legal so why did it matter? Was Y/n expecting us to have a ceremony next? I hadn't even thought about the idea of marriage, even though the timeline of forever wasn't nearly enough with her. I needed more, I needed the afterlife and beyond.

Soft music began to play as Y/n grabbed onto my hand and brought me over to a couple chairs sat on the grass. Pope and Cleo sat across from us, hand in hand, as Kiara walked under the weird rainbow-shaped flower thing. I slid my arm around the back of my girlfriends chair as John B and Sarah made their way down the path and to Kiara, all is them having big smiles.

"I don't know how weddings work so whatever I say will have to do," Kiara laughed and we all joined in. None of us knew the first thing about ceremony's, all I knew is usually there's an open bar and man was I excited for that when the day came.

"We're gathered here today to show that, despite the status quo, love shows no boundaries." Kiara began and I looked to see Y/n already tearing up. To give her some comfort I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her into my side.

"Sarah," Kie turned to the blonde, "We had a rocky start but you're one of us now. Thank you for loving our best friend unconditionally. Through the good and the bad, we know he can be a handful." She once again had to stop her speech to laugh before turning to John B, "John B, stubborn, determined, wears his heart on his sleeve, John B. You have fought since the very beginning for what you believe in and it's no different with Sarah."

"You're making me cry, Kie!" Y/n yelled as she wiped under her eyes to get rid of her tears.

"I think I'm even tearing up a little, man." Pope tried to cover his sniffling with clearing his throat but we all knew he was letting tears slip. Cleo and I on the other hand had dry eyes. Not because we didn't love our friends or weren't happy for them. But because we both knew how easy it was to lose everything in the blink of an eye. Actually, now that the thought of losing this beautiful girl next to me was in my mind, I felt myself getting emotional.

"After the seal of a kiss, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. John B Routledge!" Kiara smiled as Sarah and John B shared a kiss and pulled apart. The duo danced their way back down the path and broke apart to talk to everyone separately.

"Actually, guys," I cleared my throat to gain their attention, "I want to, um, say something," Y/n gave me a confused look but what I was about to do was going to be, without a doubt, the best decision I've ever made in my entire life. Aside from meeting her.

"Jay? What's going on?" She asked but I held my finger up to tell her to wait. With the pogues full attention now on me I stood under the flowers and became nervous. What do I say to the girl I've been in love with for years? What do I say when I've already promised her the world, asking for nothing in return.

"Y/n," I inhaled a deep breath, "When I met you I didn't know what love was, or how to accept love." More tears swelled in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around herself, "But then you came crashing in and suddenly I didn't mind sharing the pull-out bed, I didn't care that you popped my personal bubble all the time."

I became nervous again as my friends watched me talk. Y/n must have noticed because she made her way to me, holding my hands in hers. Suddenly it was just the two of us, nothing else in sight. Just her.

"You taught me that the weird feeling in my stomach was called 'butterflies' and told me no one in this world is broken enough to be considered 'unlovable'. You showed me that the little things matter, to be grateful for every morning I wake up to because that only means I get to spend another day with you. You, Y/n L/n, are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want to ask." Knowing how important this moment would be to her I made sure to get down on one knee, "How do you feel about becoming Mrs. Y/n Maybank?"

"I've been waiting for you to ask." She admitted. I stood up and scooped her into my arms. Her chin rested on my shoulder and suddenly tears were falling from my eyes. Suddenly the decorations, the flowers, the ceremony, it all mattered.

The pogues began clapping slowly and I wiped the tears away, "That was impressive." John B chuckled.

"Screw the speech you gave in the swamp, this was your best!" Sarah complimented. I held my arm around Y/n's waist and stood to the side to do a bow, waving my arm out in front of me to act like royalty.

"I didn't think you were that cheesy, dude." Pope walked over to us and gave us both a hug.

"Can I officiate your guys' wedding, too?" Kiara asked, repeating the never ending cycle of hugs that were being passed around.

"I'd never let anyone else do it." Y/n answered for the both of us. Cleo made her way over, a closed-mouth-smile on her face as she bumped my arm with hers. She leaned closer to me.

"She doesn't see you as broken, rude boy. I've never seen someone be loved the way she loves you." Her voice was quiet, making sure only I heard it as our friends talked amongst themselves, cheering about todays events and the futures.

"I'm one lucky guy." I chimed. We rejoined the group and I grabbed Y/n in my arms, picking her up off the ground and spinning her around.

"I love you." She said as she looked down at me. Once her feet were back on the grass I cupped her cheeks, her hands went on either side of my torso.

"I love you, too, Mrs. Maybank."



Make me Mrs. Maybank😉

JJ Maybank imaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz