filming uh-oh

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filming uh-oh: while filming season 4 you get hurt and the cast makes sure you're okay
this was requested <3
obviously this isn't any type of spoiler for season 4, i'm making up a scene :) BUT there will be mentions of things that happened in season 3 so if you haven't watched it yet this is your warning.
also, per usual, y/n's character name is 'avery'
Rudy was driving as I sat passenger on our way back to the set after a much needed lunch break. I was being the perfect passenger princess as I fed him some McDonald's fries.

"I'm excited to see Drew, I haven't seen him since that interview we all did." I smiled as I put another fry in his mouth. I saw the rest of the cast earlier today but Drew got to leave for a few hours since he was done filming for a bit.

"Funny how your first scene together is a fight scene," Rudy began laughing, "It'll be like 'Hi, missed you, now I'm gonna kick your ass'." He mocked my voice and I tried not to laugh at his impression.

"Do I actually sound like that?" I acted fake offended and looked over at him. He held his hand up while still laughing, his face turning a light shade of pink from the laughter, and rested his hand on the back of my neck gently to pull me closer to him.

"No, babe, promise. Your voice is much prettier than that." He finally settled down from having a laughing fit and let his hand glide down my back as he pulled into the parking lot, "I like the voice you use when we're filming though." Rudy put his car in park and I furrowed my brows at him. For the show I did make my voice a bit different, kind of lower and a slight accent. So for example the word 'fire' would almost come out as 'far' and 'drier' like 'drar', it was something the directors had me do since it fit my character well.

"Oh, so you're saying 'Avery' is more your type then?" I teased him as I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned over so our lips were less than an inch apart. I liked to do this thing where I would get really close to his face and widen my eyes, I usually did it while we were laying in bed but right now works too.

"Good thing I get both." He grinned and grabbed my chin, pulling me in for a quick kiss before getting out of the car and running around the front to open my door. Rudy hasn't let me touch a door handle or any type of bill since we started dating, a true gentleman.

"Y/n!" I heard Drew cheer from the door of his trailer and I spun around to ran towards him, "It's so good to see you!" I engulfed him in a hug and squeezed him tight before letting go, "Ready for our big scene?" He asked and held his fists up to pretend to fake fight. I did the same and we began throwing fake punches at one another.

"Alright, alright, save it for the cameras you two." Jonas laughed as he walked by us. The three of us began snickering as Rudy grabbed my hand and we walked towards the set. Drew said his goodbyes and 'see you later' and I spun on my heels right in front of my boyfriend, our chests colliding from the sudden stop.

"I'm gonna go to wardrobe and I will see you in a bit." I tapped his cheek and his beautiful eyes looked down to me, letting his lips tug into a smile and I returned it. He placed a sweet kiss on my forehead.

"See you in a bit." We said goodbye and walked away from each other, letting our hands hold on until the very last second.

After changing back into 'Averys' outfit the hair dresser fixed up any pieces of hair I had messed up since lunch. Once that was done and everything looked good I made my way to the set, seeing the rest of the cast sitting behind the cameras. Usually when we weren't busy we'd watch each other film and since this was the big 'Avery and Rafe' fight scene they cleared their schedules.

"Y/n to your mark, please!" Jonas pointed to where I needed to go. This scene takes place outside and inside of the Cameron house. My character takes it upon herself to spy on Rafe at home to figure out what he was scheming since Wards death, "Drew to your mark, please!"

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