broken promise

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broken promise: JJ makes you a promise in which he already knows he's going to break.
JJ and I laid on the hammock while we waited for our friends to arrive at the chateau. His arms were around my shoulders as my head laid lazily on his chest, "I'm glad you're my best friend." I hummed. I enjoyed these moments with him when no one else was around, even though JJ still acted the same when we were in a crowded room. He was my best friend and he wasn't ashamed to show it.

"Is that really all we are?" He asked, voice cracking a bit as he turned to look down at me. My stomach sank, I was worried this day would come, the day we turned into something more. I didn't have the best track record with love and every time someone became important to me something always happens to them. They leave or they die.

"Don't do this, JJ..." I whispered, "You know how I feel about love," My voice paused, gently resting my hand on his jaw, "promise you won't fall in love with me."

He chuckled lightly and looked up to the sky, licking his lips before pursing them, "I don't make promises, cupcake. If I don't make 'em then I can't break 'em."

"I'm serious." I deadpanned. As I sat up his arms unlocked from around me, "You're my best friend so I need you to promise me this."

"Okay," He exhaled a deep breath, "as long as you lay back down I promise you, Y/n L/n, that I will not fall in love with you."

*one year later*

"When did you get so good!?" Kiara asked as we hauled our surf boards out of the water.

"JJ is a good teacher," I replied, letting my board fall onto the ground as I sat on it to avoid getting sand stuck to my wet skin, "Speaking of, where is everyone?"

"Uh, not sure." She avoided eye contact and wiped her hands together then rested them on her thighs, "Not here, obviously." Her laugh rang through my ears at her captain obvious joke.

"Hold up, pause," I pointed my finger at her, "You know something. Where are they?" I couldn't shake this feeling that something was going on behind the scenes, something Kie knew about and was avoiding telling me.

"I have to keep you busy until sunset, then you'll know, promise." She beamed with a closed-mouth smile on her lips. I huffed and leaned back onto my board. I'd say sunset was in a an hour or so, I guess until then, I'd let this be a little secret.

"Let's go to The Wreck and grab some food, I'm starving." She stood up and reached her hand down to me which I graciously took as she lifted me off the ground. With our boards under our arms we made our way to her family's restaurant for some much needed grub.


"Sun is setting." I pointed out as I finished my food and wiped my mouth with a napkin, "Time to fill me in on why our friends have been avoiding us all day."

Kiara looked at me with a smirk as she got up and grabbed all the dirty dishes off the table, "Actually, I have to show you." After putting the dishes away we left The Wreck and began the walk to what looked like the direction of the chateau.

We opened the back door and walked inside, there sat Sarah, John B, and Pope. Only person that wasn't here was my best friend, "Hey, guys, where's JJ?"

John B stood up with a piece of paper in his hands, holding it out to me, "Follow the directions."

Confused, I unfolded the paper and read it in my head:


Wait for me at the end of the dock. See you soon.


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