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tubing: a fun day turned bad on the water
this was requested <3
hope you guys don't mind i decided to just have the 'og pogues' in this one:)

"Can you please tell me what we're doing?" I asked as JJ's hands held onto my shoulders, directing me carefully. My eyes were covered with a bandana, he claimed he wanted todays activity to be a surprise.

"We're almost there, have patience." He chuckled. The tip of my shoe caught on a rock and I stumbled forward a bit, JJ's arms wrapping around me to stop me from falling.

"Are you trying to kill me?" I joked and held his arms around me with my hands, now scared to take another step forward since he's apparently horrible at directing the blind, "Carry me or I'm taking the blindfold off."

"Jump on three," I heard him walk around me and traced my hands up his back until they were resting on top of his shoulders, "One, two, three." I jumped up and landed on his back, his hands holding onto my thighs for a better grip.

As we continued to walk I heard quiet murmurs if familiar voices shushing one another, "Shut up, dude." It sounded like John B.

"Pope stepped on my foot." None other than my best friend, Kiara. The sound of JJ walking went from dirt to the slight echo of wood, an obvious indicator we were walking down the dock. I didn't ruin the surprise though, JJ seemed so excited this morning when he came to my house, so I didn't want to kill his good mood.

"Alright, jump down." JJ instructed. I let my legs unwrap from around him as I slid down his back, my feet landing with a thud. His hands untied the bandana and as my eyes were still adjusting to the sunlight my friends began shouting.

"Happy birthday, Y/n!!" Once my eyes were adjusted I saw they had decorated the HMS Pogue with streamers and a poster that says 'Happy Birthday' in horrible hand writing, it must have been one of the guys.

"You guysss!" I covered my mouth and  gasped as JJ looked down at me with a proud smile, "This is the best surprise ever!" Kiara reached her hand out and held onto mine as I stepped onto the boat, ready for whatever they had planned.

"First we're going to shot gun some beers," John B reached into the cooler and threw everyone a beer.

"Then we're going to take cute pictures to celebrate!" Kiara added as she held up her Polaroid camera.

"After that we're going tubing." Pope finished. JJ climbed into the boat and sat next to home, his arm snaking around my shoulders to pull me into a small side hug.

"That sounds like the perfect day." I reached my drunk up and cheered with everyone. John B then passed around a knife for us to poke a hole into the beer cans, but JJ opted to do it for me, always saying he doesn't want me to slip and cut my hand, "Three, two, one!" I rushed the countdown and cracked my beer open, holding the opening at the bottom of the can to my mouth and chugging the contents. Although I may have rigged the contest, I was happy to see I was the first to drop the empty can to the ground.

"Birthday girl is the winner!" John B placed his hand into the top of my head and ruffled my hair, causing me to playfully shove him away and comb through it with my fingers.

Soon enough we were all sitting in our spots and heading out to open waters. Once we were stopped Kiara and I took some pictures with the Polaroid camera, even getting some adorable ones of JJ kissing my cheek while I had the biggest smile on my face. The next was him holding my chin while he licked my cheek, me scrunching my nose, perfectly depicting our relationship.

Pope grabbed the tube and held it into the air, "Alright, who's first!?" We all looked around to one another.

"I've never been tubing so someone who me how it's done." I leaned back and let my friends take the floor since I was, absolutely not, going first.

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