spa day

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spa day: it's your one year anniversary with jj and when he gets jealous of someone else's hands touching you, he treats you to your very own spa day instead
this was requested <3 (two requests in one, jealous jj spa day & self care night)
my best friend just came in my room, we both chugged coffee, then she went back to her room. if you need a sign to move in with your best friend there it is

I made my way quietly back into my room to see the blonde still fast asleep beneath the covers. Today was our one year anniversary and with my surprise happening in a few hours I needed to wake him up. So, I tip toed to the side of the bed and gently crawled on top of it, placing small kisses onto his cheek.

"What time is it?" His voice was raspy from having just woken up, which I thought was the cutest thing ever.

"Ten-thirty," I leaned down and placed one final kiss onto his cheek, "Happy one year anniversary, baby." His arm reached up and around me, pulling me down against his chest as he rolled onto his back.

"Happy anniversary, princess," He kissed the top of my head and I squeezed him with my arms and legs, feeling like a giddy kid in a candy store. JJ was my jackpot, my bingo, my gold, "What do you want to do today?"

"I have the entire day planned out," I sat up but stayed on his lap as he shook his hair around in an attempt to fix it, "First, we're going to get full body massages, after that I was thinking we could go surf and then have dinner at The Wreck. Finally, we spend the rest of the day watching movies and cuddling."

"Full body massages?" He asked, "Like full? Head to toe?" I nodded my head, "Naked?"

"That's kinda how massages work, Jay," I swung my leg over and stood onto the floor, "I'm gonna go make breakfast, come down when you're ready." Our hands held on until the last second then I left the room to go downstairs and begin cooking. Anything to do with cooking was always my thing, we learned that pretty quick when JJ almost burned our house down. He does other things to help out, like keep my car running, vacuum, laundry, and dishes.

After a little while I had a full breakfast prepared, eggs, bacon, toast, strawberries, the whole nine yards, "Babe!" I called out to let him know the food was done. When he didn't respond I tried again, "JJ! If I eat breakfast alone I'm going to be pissed!" I snickered to myself knowing that I wouldn't actually be mad, I'd just rather have his company.

The only response I got was silence so I walked back up the stairs and heard JJ finishing up a phone call, "—for the late notice, thanks again, mhm, bye."

"Who was that?" I asked as I leaned on the door frame.

"I cancelled the massages." He admitted. My jaw dropped in disbelief and my hands fell to my sides.

"What? Why would you do that?" I asked, walking towards him as he stood up, "I wanted to do something relaxing with you."

"Y/n, the masseuse is a guy," He informed and I nodded my head slowly, trying to understand why that's such a big deal, "The only guy rubbing his hands on your body is me."

"Jealous much?" I smirked up at him, clicking my tongue, "Guy or not, it's his job to give massages."

"I can give you a better massage anyway," JJ flirted, "but if you're actually mad I'll cancel the cancellation." I could tell he was beginning to worry I was upset. A weird part of me thought it was attractive JJ was jealous, although I was excited for a spa day, is that weird?

"Come eat breakfast with me, I have an even better idea." I grabbed onto his hand and walked backwards while he followed close.

"A better idea then me being on top of you naked?" He smirked, "Doesn't exist."

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