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Very small spoiler for season 3 in this imagine so if you have not watched it yet, here is your warning
trust: trust us the foundation to any relationship and maybe y/n has trusted JJ all along.

"I'm not doing this again, JJ!" I exclaimed and let out a sigh as I brought both mine and his dirty dishes to my kitchen. My house soon became the new hang out spot since the chateau burning down incident. Of course, the stubborn blonde followed right behind me.

"Can we just talk about it again?" He pleaded, trying to help wash the dishes but I shooed his hands away. To be clear, I wasn't actually upset or mad at him, I was tired of going around in circles about this topic.

What topic you may ask? JJ has been asking me out over and over for years and every time I say no. I had good reasons behind my actions and if it wasn't for one little thing I'd say yes in a heartbeat. Actually not so little, it's a pretty big deal in any relationship.

"No." I huffed and turned on the sink, letting it fill up with soapy water. My parents were usually gone so it's my responsibility to take care of the house.

"Why?" His hand rested on the counter as his body faced me, watching me intently, "because I don't know how much more clear I could be. I. Love. You. You know that."

"Y'know what? Fine." I threw the washcloth back into the sink and mimicked his stance, "I don't trust you, J. I don't trust you at parties or around other girls or-"

"How can you even say that!?" He questioned, "You wanna talk about trust!? What about when I saved your life when you almost drowned in the drain? Or when Rafe came after you? What about when we were in South America, huh? With Singh."

"That's not 'trust', that's loyalty." I replied, still stuck in the stare off I was having with his absolutely gorgeous blue eyes-Y/n, stop it. Focus.

"They're the same thing." His voice calmed down.

"No they're not." I argued. I walked away from him and lifted myself onto my island, letting my feet dangle below me. When the sink was about to overfill he quickly shut the water off and leaned back onto the counter.

"They are. You trust that I'll show up every time to save you and I do. You trust me with your life so why can't you trust me with this?" He did have a good point. Whenever things go south JJ always put my life above his, every time, no matter what, ever since the beginning.

"A relationship is a lot different than being there for me in a life or death situation. A relationship means you'll still love me on the days we argue, the days where we're so annoyed with each other we can't even be in the same room." My voice cracked as I felt myself getting emotional over the topic. I wanted to love him, I wanted so badly to let him into my heart, "I'd have to trust that we could argue without you making rash decisions and I'm sorry, JJ, but I don't."

"What if I show you?" JJ lifted his arms off the counter and came over to me, placing his hands on either side of me as he stood between my legs. I fought the urge to kiss him right here and now, to say screw it and give him a chance. He brought his hands to either side of me face and gently made me look at him, "Let me show you."

"Woah, pda alert," John B joked as him and Sarah entered the house, "You guys finally admitting you're madly in love?"

Instead of pushing JJ away I let him stand exactly where he was, all he did was drop his hands so I could look at our friends, "Not exactly." JJ exhaled slowly as he spoke.

"Party at the beach tonight, the theme is 'less is more'." Sarah snickered as she plopped onto my couch, "I'm wearing my striped bikini and since you two are never one to turn down a party I figured I'd come over and help you pick something out."

JJ Maybank imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now