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dumbass: while rushing home, y/n crashes her dirt bike.
this was requested <3

"Your friends are waiting for you, hurry home." My mom said into the phone and I groaned. I was already rushing around to close the store and it was hitting 100 degrees today, even with the sun setting. My clothes were sticking to me and I just wanted to be at home so I could jump into the pool. I also promised the pogues a bonfire at my house tonight, horrible idea since it was already blazing out, but they were excited.

"10-4." I responded and ended the call. With my backpack right to my shoulders and phone secure in my back pocket I kick started my bike. Within a few seconds I already felt relief as the wind hit my skin and unstuck my hair from my shoulders. It was gross, but this heat was no joke.

Knowing the pogues they were already enjoying my pool and lighting a fire and I didn't want to miss out more than I already have. I twisted the throttle, speeding up a little bit.

What I failed to notice was the car coming out of an alleyway between two buildings. As I sped down the road the car screeched to a halt in front of me, causing me to hit my brakes and my bike slid. I screamed in pain as my bare leg and shoulder drug against the asphalt, the only thing that stopped my bike was hitting the curb.

"Sorry!" The guy in the car shouted before speeding off. Prick. I laid next to my beaten up bike in pain for a moment before forcing myself to stand up. Blood was dripping down my leg and arm, but it could've been worse. I could be dead.

I lifted my arm to put my hair into a bun and when I did I winced in pain as the material of my shirt slipped past my bloodied arm, "Fucking road rash." I mumbled to myself.

Despite the pain I lifted my bike off the ground and tried starting it, nothing. My stubbornness wasn't letting me call for help so I began pushing my bike down the sidewalk. If it wasn't for the state of shock I was in I'd probably be crying out for someone to call 9-1-1, my mom, or JJ, thank god for adrenaline.

When I finally arrived home after the eight block walk I dropped my bike to the gravel driveway and took shaky steps to my backyard.

"Is my mom home?!" I asked as I neared the pogues. Who were, in fact, enjoying my pool. They all turned to me and gasped, "What?"

"Y/n!" JJ was the first one out of the pool as he rushed to my aid, followed by everyone else, "What the hell happened?!"

"Douchebag pulled out in front of me," I explained as he examined my arm, "Is my mom home?"

"No, her and your dad are on a date." Pope told me and I sighed a breath of relief, "Do you want me to call her?"

"God no," I watched as JJ twisted my arm then knelt down to look at my leg, careful not to touch the damaged skin, "She'd kill me if I crashed my bike. I'm asking 'cause I need you guys to hide it behind the shed."

"Kie and Sarah, get her inside and clean that up," John B pointed to the duo and they took a few steps closer to me, ready to help, "JJ, Pope, let's get her bike behind the shed."

"I'm going inside with her." JJ argued and stood up to face John B, "It's a dirt bike, you guys can handle it."

"You guys are being dramatic." I scrunched my nose in pain as I pulled my backpack off my shoulders and let it fall onto the grass, "I'm just gonna jump in the pool then, boom, clean." I took off towards the pool, ready to jump right in.

"Y/n, you don't wanna do that, it's gonna—" Sarah's voice was cut off when my body jumped into the pool. The cool water refreshed me but the road rash on my leg and arm began burning.

"Holy fuck!" I shrieked as I resurfaced. As I urgently reached for the ledge of the pool I saw JJ rush over and grab onto my hand, lifting me out of the water.

"—sting." Sarah finished her sentence with a sigh, knowing I wasn't going to listen either way.

"Now it definitely needs to be cleaned." Kie chuckled and grabbed onto my good arm as she pulled me into the house. The trio walked me to the bathroom and sat me down on the edge of the tub as they rummaged through my bathroom to find what they needed.

"You're gonna want to, uh, bite onto something." Sarah gave me an apologetic look as she held the hydrogen peroxide. I held my hand towards JJ and did 'grabby hands' and he happily complied.

"Motherfu-!" I smacked my hand over my mouth as Sarah began to clean the ripped up skin. Tears were swelling in my eyes from the stinging sensation, "Dude!"

"Dude, you crashed your bike, suffer the consequences." Kie joked and smacked the back of my head. She was always the first one to scold me when I did something dumb, in a sisterly way. She then began wrapping my arm after Sarah was done cleaning it, "This is pretty bad." She said when she switched to my leg, "How fast were you going?"

"Yeah, Y/n, how fast were you going?" JJ asked from next to me. Here comes protective boyfriend mode, "And while we're asking questions, were you on your phone? Why weren't you paying attention?"

"Oh, wow, JJ, real smart to be on my phone while on a dirt bike." I rolled my eyes, "I felt hot, sweaty, and gross. I was rushing home." I explained to them. 

"We did the best we could." Sarah said as both her and Kie admired their makeshift doctor work, "It'll probably take awhile to heal, but you'll live."

"All that matters." JJ said as we stood up and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "Bike can be replaced, you can't. Watch where you're going next time, slick."

The girls walked out of the bathroom as we followed and I smacked JJ's chest, "I was in a hurry, jerk."

He held the back door open and closed it behind us as everyone got back to their spots by the pool, it was slowly beginning to cool down now that the sun was below the horizon.

"Maybe I shouldn't fix your bike." JJ smirked at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and in return he stuck his out at me.

"You'll fix it 'cause you love me." I argued and he nodded in agreement, "I win." I winked at him and he grabbed my chin gently to pull me in for a kiss.

"But I am teaching you how to keep your eyes on the road, dumbass." I playfully scoffed at his words and put my hand on my chest to appear offended and he laughed.

"Don't call me dumbass, dumbass."

"Settle down now, kids." John B scolded and we all joined in on the laughter.

Next challenge, hiding my bike from my parents long enough to have JJ fix it.


Idk, I don't like how this turned out, but I wanted to get more requests done.

Sorry if this imagine is kinda shit :/

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