red carpet

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red carpet: a chaotic first red carpet experience.
this was requested<3

"You look beautiful." Rudy complimented me as he offered me his hand to help me out of the black tinted out car. Outside was a crowd of cameras, fans, and press waiting for the Outer Banks cast to make their appearance. Today was the season three premier and as Rudy's girlfriend, it was a no brainer when he asked me to be his date.

"And you look extremely handsome." I replied. Once I was out of the car I smoothed my dress and began walking down the red carpet that was laid out, his hand never leaving the small of my back.

"Damn, girl." Madelyn whistled as she caught up to me and locked our arms together, "I know this can be a lot." Her voice quieted as she leaned closer to me, "If Rudy gets pulled to the side find me or one of the girls, we got you."

"You guys are life savers." I chuckled nervously as she ran to catch up with her date. I haven't officially met him but their instagram posts are adorable.

I slowed down my walk to fall in stride with Rudy and his arm snaked around my waist as we stopped and posed for the cameras.

"Left Rudy!"

"Look forward!"

"Big smile, Y/n!"

I felt as though our names were being thrown around in a million directions, the lights were flashing repeatedly making it hard to see. How does anyone stay calm and collected in this chaos?

"Where do I look?" I asked my boyfriend through my smile as my eyes danced to each camera, pausing briefly to make sure they got the shot. Rudy turned his head and brought his lips close to my ear.

"I honestly have no idea what I'm doing, I just look around and hope it's good enough." His joke made me lean forward with a chuckle, my hand resting on his chest.

"That's perfect!"

"Let's get a kiss!"

I was shocked at how straight forward they were as Rudy glanced at me, "Up to you." He shrugged with a smirk, one hand resting in the pocket of his suit and the other tight around me.

My hand rested on his jawline and instead of using words to answer, I pressed my lips to his and he dipped me gently backwards, "That'll be a cute one." I now felt excited to get home and look through all the paparazzi photos, wanting to find that one in particular.

Rudy guided me down the carpet further before we stopped again for another set of flashing cameras, "How is there so many people here? This is crazy." I said in awe.

"Behind all the cameras are fans." He nodded his head and I tried my best to look over the photographers. I could barely tell, but he was right, behind the sea of cameras there was a big crowd of fans cheering.

"Y/n!" Madison shouted from our left, "Come take pics with the girls!" She waved me over and I gave Rudy a questioning look, making sure it was alright. I knew he wouldn't mind, but it was a habit of mine.

"Go, baby, have fun." He kissed my cheek and let go of my waist so I could walk over to Madison, Madelyn, and Carlacia.

As I was walking towards the girls their happy and excited expressions soon turned to worry and they began shouting my name, "Behind you!"

I didn't even have time to react as my body was shoved to the ground, barely catching myself with my hands.

"Get her out of here!" I heard Rudy exclaim as he rushed over to me and kneeled down to make sure I was okay.

"Rudy! Rudy!" A girl I've never seen before shouted, "Can I please get a picture with you!?"

"You just shoved my girlfriend and you're asking me for a picture!?" Rudy snapped and slid his arms under mine to lift me from the ground, "What kind of security is this!? I said get her out of here!" He then turned to me and smoothed my dress, "Are you okay?"

Tears gathered in my eyes, not because of pain, but out of embarrassment, "I just fell in front of hundreds of cameras, that was the most embarrassing moment of my entire life."

The rest of the cast ran over to us and formed a wall behind me, shielding Rudy and I from the cameras.

"Rudy!" The crazed fan continued to shout as security guards pulled her away, "Rudy, I love you!"

"Look up," Rudy instructed and I listened. His thumbs gently swiped under my eyes, "I know how expensive that mascara was," He forced a chuckle as i fanned my eyes, doing my best not to cry, "What do you wanna do, baby? Do you want to go home? Go straight inside?"

"No, no.." I trailed off and grabbed his hands, "This is your night, I don't want to ruin it." I felt horrible for what just happened, whether it was my fault or not. Truthfully I wanted to rush off this carpet and go home, but I knew how important this was to him.

"None of this matters as much as you, we're doing whatever makes you comfortable." He insisted and lifted my hands to kiss my knuckles softly.

"We can stay," I fought the urge to go home, "I'm okay, we're staying." I then turned around and tapped on Jonathan and Chases shoulders, "thanks guys." I said to all of them.

"Of course, you good?" Chase asked and I gave him a thumbs up.

"Some fans get way out of line." JD patted my shoulder and I quickly nodded in agreement.

"This seems like the perfect time for a group picture." Carlacia smiled at me.

"Yes!" Madelyn cheered happily. I stood between Rudy and Chase as the rest of the group lined up and the cameras went crazy.

"Anyone that has pictures of Y/n falling better delete them!" Madison shouted to the paparazzi, "I'll make your life a living hell!"

"Mads!" JD scolded but all of us couldn't help but laugh, "They probably think they're going to get fired now."

"Good." Madison replied, "No one messes with our girl."

"Damn right," Rudy agreed, "Couldn't help but fall for me, could you?" He joked.

"I was pushed, not the same thing." I corrected with a sly smile as we all continued walking, now staying much closer together just in case.

As we continued to walk I suddenly felt another shove on my back, which sent me falling into Chase, Chase then fell into JD, JD into Madison, Madison into Carlacia and finally, Carlacia into Madelyn.

With all of us now on the ground we looked to one another, our eyes then looking to the guilty Rudy.

"My shoe was untied." He pointed to his shoe, which was indeed untied, and laughed.

"Now that is going to be a picture to remember." Chase commented.

This may have been the most chaotic first red carpet experience ever, but it was surely a night to remember.


A cute little imagine since a few people want more Rudy <3

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