kitty hawk

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Warning: this is heavily based off season 3 so if you haven't watched it yet don't read this chapter!
kitty hawk: y/n's parents took her away from the pogues after john b and sarah 'died', but when they take things too far jj swoops in to save the day.
based off season 3 episode 9, not word for word but the idea :)
this was requested <3

I hope you're having a good day, beautiful. I'll see you later❤️

My day would be better if you were here :( I hate work, I wanna see you

It'll be worth the wait, we've got plans later. I love you

I love you, too❤️

I let a single tear fall down my cheek as I laid in my pitch black bedroom. I couldn't sleep, I missed JJ, I missed all the pogues. I kept re-reading our old texts as if they were happening, begging to relive those moments just one more time.

These texts were from three months ago, before the gold and before they had disappeared on that island. We hunted for the gold together, me and the pogues were inseparable, they considered me to be one of them. Then John B and Sarah went missing at sea and my parents tore me away from them, saying if I kept hanging out with them they'd send me away. Ever since they've been back from the island all I've wanted to do was go see them and make sure they were alright.

With the memories of the past playing through my mind like a movie I was finally able to fall asleep.


"Breakfast is ready!" My mother yelled through the house and I threw my comforter off of me. Following the same routine as every morning I grabbed my phone and checked for notifications.

Hey, I miss you

I miss you too, all of you. How's JJ?

He hasn't been himself since you stopped coming around, you should come to the beach today

I'll try, go to our secret spot. If my parents catch me with you guys they're sending me to some wilderness camp

See you at noon?

Sounds good

I had to make a plan, a reason I'd be gone for the day that my parents wouldn't question. Since Kiara is technically born a kook I figured telling them I was going to her house might be a safe option. I'd just have to lie and say she doesn't hang out with the other pogues anymore, hopefully that's believable.

My arms pushed me out of bed and I changed into a swim suit along with shorts and a crop top, I think it's Sarah's that I stole awhile ago. After I was changed I threw my hair out of my face and into a braid before throwing some things I'd need in my backpack and walking down the hall.

"Sup, brat." I greeted my little sister and shoved her head, making her stumble into the hallway wall. She pushed my shoulder which made me retaliate and trip her with my foot, sending me to the ground.

"Mom!" She cried out, "Y/n pushed me!" My mom peaked around the corner and saw my sister on the ground and me standing above her. I crossed my arms and looked away, rolling my eyes.

"I barely touched her." I deadpanned, "I'm going to Kiaras." I grabbed the strap of my backpack while I walked and was stopped as I tried to go through the kitchen.

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