break it up

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TW: fighting, mentions of blood
A/n: sometimes I like writing fight scenes and I was in the mood for Y/n to be a total badass so here ya go
Also: I was in a angry mood so this is how I let those emotions out lmao
break it up: JJ has to break up a fight between you and another girl when she overstepped the line.

Floater. That was the term all my friends called me when we were at parties, I floated between groups of people, talking and challenging them to drinking games. I never stayed in one spot for long but always made sure to check in every once in awhile, per JJ's request. He never minded that I walked around and mingled, he just needed me to pop in every once in awhile to make sure I was okay.

As I was on my way to one of my check-ins I was stopped when a kook felt the need to run her mouth.

"Skank spotted." She said loud enough for me to hear, clearly on purpose as she turned her head away. I knew her from around town. The infamous Jaylynn Porter, had the richest parents in figure-8 and on top of that, had heart eyes for JJ Maybank. My boyfriend of roughly three years.

"Problem, money bags?" I asked as I stopped walking to look at her. Money bags was a fun little nickname I came up with for the kooks, buying their way through life, relying on mommy and daddy.

"Oh, me?" She tried acting oblivious as she put her hand on her chest. I looked around, pretending to look for someone else before locking eyes with her again.

"You see anyone else around here stupid enough to make that comment?" I snapped, "That's what you kooks do though, right? You bark at the end of your chain." I took another step towards her, now only a foot away and I didn't dare break my stare.

"Me and my friends were just trying to figure out why the hottest guy on the island went" She looked me up and down with a look of disgust on her face. Tonight was about to get interesting.

"Y'know, Jaylynn? Maybe if you put together all your parents money you could afford to buy yourself a personality." I finished my drink and threw the cup into the bin before acting as though a bright idea just hit me, "On second thought, money can't buy class, sorry." I shrugged. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

When Jaylynn was speechless her friend took over for her, typical kook, never a fair fight with them. Last fight I was in was a four on one and the only reason I could claim victory was because Kiara jumped in with me. I was tough in a fair fight, stack the numbers though and anyone would lose. JJ always says that's why kooks walk around in groups, too scared to fight their own battles.

"Hey, Y/n, question for you." Jaylynns friend sauntered in front of me, a devious smirk on her lips.

"Anything for you, Mrs. Don't know or care." I smiled back. Since their ammunition seemed to be sarcasm I had no problem firing back.

"When JJ is done with you can I have him next?" That's when I lost it and raised my fist to connect with her jaw. I no longer cared that I was completely outnumbered, she crossed the line and I'll be damned if I let her get away with it.

JJ's pov

"And then he—" Sarah was currently telling a funny story that happened with John B when we were cut off by people chanting.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" It peaked all of our interests quickly as we downed our drinks and made our way up the beach.

"Wonder who the contenders are tonight, boys and girls." I clapped my hands together and continued walking.

"Uh, JJ?" Pope asked as he peaked over people's shoulders to see the action.

"Yeah?" I asked while I pushed some people to the side.

"It's Y/n." Kie answered. I rushed through the crowd and saw Y/n on top of a kook, another kook on the side of them throwing punches and a third pulling at my girlfriends hair. Never a fair fight with them, I swear.

"Fuck." I said, not knowing exactly what to do, "Alright, break it up!" I yelled, trying to get them to stop throwing punches so I could reach in and snag Y/n to get her out of there.

Kie quickly made her way to the kook off to the side and pulled her back, shouting at her to cut her shit and leave Y/n alone. Sarah grabbed the one pulling her hair and yanked her hand away.

"Get the fuck off me!" The kook under Y/n shouted.

"No!" My girlfriend yelled back, sending another punch to her jaw, "You wanna talk shit!? Get off your leash and learn how to bite, bitch!"

"Break it up!" I exclaimed again, knowing Y/n had not only just gotten ganged up on but that she's taken quite the beating. She may be on top but with the other girls jumping in I saw the blood rushing from her nose. Once I saw some clearance I wrapped my arm around her waist and lifted her up and away from the group of kooks.

"JJ, what the hell!?" She exclaimed and tried fighting her way out of my grasp, but I was stronger than her, even if she didn't want to admit it. As she slowly began to calm down I let her walk on her own but kept my arm outstretched so she couldn't charge her. Blood fell from her nose down her chin and dripped onto her chest.

"Turn around, not worth it." I told her and she huffed. She was stubborn and had a quick temper, a lot like me, which landed us both in trouble most of the time, "Tell me what happened." I continued. Once she was turned around to face the direction we were walking I slid my arm around her shoulders.

"Everything was fine until she asked if she could be next in line to get with you." I couldn't help but laugh at her words. No other girl would ever get a chance with me. I was locked down to Y/n and Y/n only. She playfully shoved me away from her, "It's not funny, jerk. What if some guy asked you that about me?"

I shrugged, "I would've done the same thing." I admitted. It was true, everyone on this island, pogue, kook, they all knew to keep my girls name out of their mouth. I've proved that time and time again.

The rest of our friends caught up with us and I saw both Kie and Sarah had some type of small injury from the girls, "Feisty bunch." Kie chuckled, wiping her scratched cheek.

"Hair pullers, too." Sarah added while she combed her messed up hair with her fingers.

"I've never heard JJ sound so in charge before, 'break it up!'." John B mimicked me and we all started laughing.

"I had it completely under control." Y/n said as she opened the sliding door of the van.

"Yeah, because the blood running down your face screams 'I had it'." Pope joked. Y/n stifled a laugh and got into the van, the rest of us following.

As we all got into our spots Y/n sat next to me and grabbed a t-shirt from her bag to wipe the blood off her face, "I got it." I said to her and slipped the fabric from her hand. I couldn't help but be proud of her for standing her ground, one of the billion reasons why I love her, "Give me a warning next time though, sound good?" She laughed as I continued wiping her face.

"Maybe next time I'll just stick by you guys." All of us quickly agreed. Once her face was rid of the blood she held the shirt under her nose to stop the bleeding and leaned her head into my shoulder, "Thanks for stepping in, guys. I owe you."

"Nah, they had it coming." Kie commented and Sarah agreed.

"We've got your back, always." I whispered to her and leaned my head on top of hers. I'd do anything for this group right here, whether it be breaking up fights or getting into fights. As long as they were safe, I was happy.


So as I was laying in bed I was like 'I want Y/n to get into a fight with some bitches' then I realized 'omg I write fanfics, I can make whatever I want happen' so I made it happen. I don't condone fighting but sometimes ya just gotta 🤜 y'know? Jk. Anywho, enjoy whatever this imagine is even though it's just a fight scene on the beach.

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