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butterflies: Y/n and Rudy navigate their way through something new, a first date.
this was requested <3

"This shirt for sure." My best friend, Kylee, said as she rummaged through my closet, "Wait, no, this one." She held up a fancy blue top and I shook my head.

"We're going out for coffee, not some five star dinner." I snickered and lowered the shirt. She let go of the hanger with a huff and I returned it to the closet. As my back was turned to her I flipped through all my shirts I had, which was quite a lot. I heard her body fall onto my bed.

"I get that, but you're going on a date with the Rudy Pankow." She exclaimed, "He's probably going to be wearing fancy clothes, which means you have to as well."

I laughed and grabbed a simple maroon shirt, it would go well with my light wash jeans. I'm also pairing it with a black belt. Simple and cute, "And we both agreed to dress comfy and casual." I gave her a small smile and changed my shirt.

"He texted you," She said and slid my phone into her hand, "He's here!" Her eyes were wide when she looked up at me, "Are you ready!? Y/n, he's, like, here! Like, at your door!" We both got giddy as she stood up and we jumped around excitedly while holding the others hands.

I paused and put my best serious face on, closing my eyes and exhaling a deep breath, "Okay, I'm gonna okay it cool. It's just Rudy Pankow." I pretending like it was no big deal and shrugged it off.

"Yeah, yeah, just Rudy Pankow." Kyle mimicked my actions as we shrugged it off, "Go get 'em tiger." She slid my phone and purse into my hand and I walked out of my room to my front door. Kylee was staying here so when I got home we could immediately talk about every little detail.

"Hi." I practiced with my hand on the doorknob, "Hey, so good to see you!" I tried again, something about 'hi' being too simple, "No, No," My stomach twisted into knots as my palms became sweaty, "Hi, how are you!?" Deciding that's what I would say I turned the door handle and opened the door to reveal Rudy. He was wearing simple dark wash jeans, a red t-shirt and his hair was fluffed to perfection.

I smiled up at him, my mind jumbling my words as I spoke them, "Hey, how see you!?" Immediately realizing the messed up words I had just spoken I felt my face get warm with embarrassment, "Great start." I mumbled.

He chuckled before replying, "I'm glad I'm not the only one who's nervous." Feeling a little relief wash over me he held his arm out for me to snake my arm around and I did.

"They were supposed to be two separate sentences, but, um," As we walked I flicked my eyes up to his, admiring the shade of blue, "Yeah, you're not the only one." He held his car door open for me and I sat in the passenger seat, thanking him before he closed the door and rounded to his side.

When he closed the door he rested his arm on the center console and I did the same, our arms brushed against each others sent sparks through my body, "I'm sorry, you can put your arm there." He quickly apologized and moved his arm.

"No, it's fine, really, I'm more of a," I slipped my arm off and rested it at my side, "a hands in my lap type of gal." What does that even mean, Y/n?

"Alright, noted." He smirked at me and started the car. With one of his hands on the steering wheel and the other resting on the center console he drove us to our date.


As we sat at the table of the small coffee shop I felt my appetite diminish, I was so nervous I couldn't even think about eating. I'm not completely sure why I was so nervous, I've known Rudy for about six months now. I was recently hired to the film crew for Outer Banks so I shouldn't be this nervous around him.

"Are you not hungry?" Rudy asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked down at the muffin that sat on my napkin in front of me and shook my head.

"It's not that, it's just," I paused. I didn't want him to think I wasn't happy we were finally going out, because I was. But being this nervous made me feel silly.

"Nerves?" He leaned forward in his chair and rested his arms onto the table. I couldn't help but swoon over his concern, the look in his eyes showed how much he genuinely cared. My head began nodding 'yes' to answer his question, "How about we go down to the shops on the beach?"

"I'd like that." I replied. He stood up first and left a tip at the table before we both exited the café and began walking down the street. As we walked our knuckles gently grazed each others and every minute or so we would look at each other and shyly smile, the small exhale of a laugh leaving our noses as we did.

My stomach did an entire front flip when I felt Rudy's hand slide into mine. Not knowing how to react I looked down at our hands, happy to see them now interlaced within each others.

When we arrived at the smalls shops we began lightly tugging each other different directions to look at different thing, exchanging laughs whenever we would go opposite of one another.

"This is perfect for you." Rudy joked and grabbed a hot pink hat off the rack, plopping it on top of my head. It fell over my eyes and I laughed, imagining how ridiculous I probably looked. When I lifted the hat from my eyes I saw him snapping quick sneaky photos of me with a big smile on his face, "My new Lock Screen." He turned his phone around. The hat was hiding my eyes so all you could see was me smiling while laughing.

"I look like a mess." I joked and returned the hat to its hook.

"A cute mess though." He complimented. My cheeks got warm again and I looked down at my feet, trying to hide the flush of red.

We stayed in the small store and slipped silly articles of clothing onto each other such as scarves and more hats until the lady behind the register looked like she was going to kick us out.

"Do you feel that?" I asked as we stepped outside. I swear I felt small droplets of rain falling from the sky.

"No," Rudy paused and looked to the sky. The clouds were turning to a dark grey and within seconds it was down pouring, "This is perfect!" He cheered and held his arms out.

I gave him a confused look as my hair began to stick to my skin due to the rain, "What?"

"Dance with me!" He extended his arm in my direction and gestures for me to take it by waving his fingers.

"There's no music and everyone will stare at us." I softly declined and shook my head. He dropped his hand and walked towards me.

"Let them stare then," His voice was soft and gentle, "And we don't need music." A sly smile formed on my lips and I grabbed his hand. He held our arms up and spun me around, catching me and turning me into a dip. I let out a laugh and when my gaze returned to his I saw how close our faces now were.

"Hi." I giggled, letting my hand rest onto his cheek.

"Hi." He smiled back and lifted me up to a standing position, "I, uh, I really like being around you." I could tell he was just as nervous as I was. We're we about to kiss just seconds ago?

"I really like being around you, too." I assured. He took a small step towards me. Rain was dripping off the tip of his nose and down his face, he looked so handsome, even soaking wet. His lips inches closer to mine and his breath hit my top lip. I felt thousands of butterflies flapping their wings in my stomach. Deciding it was now or never I nudged myself toward him, connecting our lips. When we broke apart he began stuttering.

"I was gonna, uh, ya see, I was gonna make the first move." He had a small smile on his face and he lifted his hands to cup my cheeks, "So we're gonna do that again."

"Okay." I snickered. I let him pull us together again, his thumb gliding across the skin of my jawline as he held me close. My lips couldn't help but smile against his.

Best first date ever.

I loved this request idea but definitely feel like this isn't my best work, I'm sorry :(

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