i'll protect her (pt. 2)

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i'll protect her (pt. 2): after a nightmare, jj and y/n are there to calm josie down
this was requested<3

It's been three weeks since JJ and Josie started staying at my house full time. Three weeks of good mornings and good nights, tucking her into bed, and making sure she has her favorite stuffed bear, Mr. Waddles. My mom didn't mind at all, she knew being here was better than their own home. I enjoyed having them here, despite why they were here.

"How was work?" I asked when I saw JJ enter the house and unlace his work boots. Josie and I were on the couch watching cartoons, she had a pillow on my lap as she drifted in and out of a nap.

"It wasn't too bad," He stretched his arms and rubbed the back of his neck, "Your mom home yet?"

"No, she's staying late at the office, I guess. Plus, it's a Friday night, her and her co-workers go out for drinks," I explained as he sat down next to me and lifted Josie's legs so they were on his lap. Her eyes were glued to the screen and I chuckled when I saw them threatening to close again.

"I think someone is tired," JJ leaned forward and Josie bolted awake, instantly arguing against going to sleep.

"I'm not tired." She sat up and gave her brother a hug. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and let her sit in his lap, her head nuzzling into the crook of his neck. JJ rocked gently side to side, knowing she missed him after being gone for nearly ten hours at work. Today was a long day for him, two call outs and one no show, so he had to pick up the slack.

"I'll make something for dinner," I told him and got off the couch. It was nearly seven pm so I decided to make something quick and easy, spaghetti. Josie loved it as did the two of us. I began boiling the water and getting everything I needed.

When dinner was nearly done, I peaked into the living room to see Josie completely asleep and JJ's head tilted back, his eyes barely holding onto consciousness.

"Dinner is almost done," I announced quietly, deciding that if he woke up he would eat and if not, the food would be there for a late night snack if he wanted.

"Mhm, I'm awake," JJ mumbled and began getting up, forgetting his sister was on his lap. I rushed over and opened my arms about to grab her, but thankfully, he realized and caught her before she fell, "She's not."

"Do you want me to tuck her in while you eat?" I asked and he nodded his head yes. We did the exchange gently and quietly, being careful not to wake her. I brought her to the extra bedroom and laid her down, pulling the comforter over her body and placing Mr. Waddles within arms reach, "Goodnight, JoJo," I whispered and kissed her forehead, she stirred a bit but didn't wake up.

"This is really good," JJ complimented with a mouthful of spaghetti. I chuckled and wrapped my arms over his shoulders. I took the napkin off the table, wiping some sauce off his chin.

"Must be, you're wearing it," I joked, "I got offered a job at the cafe downtown." I began grabbing my own plate of food, "My cousin works there, so she got me a job."

"When do you start?" JJ's eyes followed me as I sat across from him. That's one thing I've always adored about him, whenever I'm talking he always looks at me.

"I'm thinking next month. That way I can work while Josie is at school and we won't have to worry about daycare or finding a sitter," I explained. Josie was our number one priority and after talking to the school board about what happened three weeks ago, they were more than happy to help us out with free lunches for her. Luke hasn't reached out, he's probably more than happy he no longer has to play dad to two children he seemed to never want.

"Thank you, Y/n, for everything," His hand reached over the table and I grabbed it, giving it a small squeeze, "Have I ever told you that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me?"

"Hmmm," I pretended to think about it, "I don't think so," I lied with a grin.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me," He had a smirk on his face as he lifted my hand and kissed the back of it, "I love you."

"I love you. Now eat, you look dead tired." I gestured to our food and he happily dug back in. After dinner, JJ helped rinse the dishes while I put leftovers away and soon enough we were tucking ourselves into bed, ready for a full nights rest. Tomorrow was the weekend, so JJ didn't have to work and my mom would be heading out of town for a business trip.

The house fell silent after shutting my TV off and I felt JJ snake his arm around me, pulling my back flush against his bare chest. I let out a deep breath and grabbed his hand, which was becoming a habit for myself, and the only way I could get decent sleep.

"Did you hear that?" JJ picked his head up and I stayed quiet for a second, trying to listen.

"No, what is it?" I asked, eyes still closed. That's when I heard it, small cries coming from down the hall.

We both got up hurriedly, "Josie." Rushing down the hall, her cries and yells got louder as we neared the spare bedroom. JJ was the first to the door and pushed it open worriedly. She was sitting straight up, teddy bear clung to her chest, her face red as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"JJ!" She yelled and held her arms up to him. He sat on the side of the bed and she immediately jumped into his arms, "I'm scared!"

"What happened?" I kneeled next to her and pushed some hair away from her face, it was beginning to stick from the dried tears.

"Daddy was yelling!" Her tears began flowing again, her small body trembling as both JJ and I did our best to calm her down. JJ glanced over at me, both of us sharing a small all-knowing look. She had a nightmare, "He hit you!"

"Josie, look at me," JJ moved her around so she was facing him, teddy bear still clung to her chest, "Dad isn't here anymore. It's just us."

"Y/n?" Her voice broke and she turned to me, arms opening. I slid my hands under her arms and lifted her into my embrace. JJ watched as I paced through the room slowly, my hand gliding against her hair as her head laid on my shoulder.

"I'm right here," I promised. I heard her sniffle and felt her wipe her nose with her arm, "We're not going anywhere."

"Do you wanna try and go back to sleep?" JJ got up and made his way over, his soft gaze looking at his sister.

"No," Josie argued, "Im scared."

"What if," I paused and nudged her gently so she looked at me, "We all had a big sleepover in my room." I saw a small smile appear on her face and knew that helped, even if it was just a bit.

"Can Mr. Waddles come?" She held him up and I softly chuckled while nodding my head. The two of us walked out of the room and JJ followed with her pillow and extra blanket. After setting her onto the bed, she climbed under the blankets and pointed to the TV, "Cartoons."

"Of course," I grabbed the remote and turned on her favorite movie, the Barbie series. JJ laid her blanket over her and her face lit up when we cozied in on either side of her, "I need a bigger bed." I joked.

"We can go look for one tomorrow?" JJ turned his head and we made eye contact over his sisters head, which was in the middle of us.

"Sounds like a plan," I agreed, "Maybe a new nightstand, too?" He nodded his head and I saw him slowly becoming interested in the cartoon in front of us. I giggled to myself and tugged the comforter up around me, settling back into bed myself. Soon enough small snores echoed through the room and I looked to see both of the blondes asleep, JJ's arm protectively around Josie while Mr. Waddles was held tightly in Josie's chest.

I placed a kiss on either of their foreheads and laid down. When my eyes closed I suddenly felt as though someone was staring at me, so I opened them, seeing JJ tiredly admiring me.

"I love you," His voice was raspy as he lifted his hand and ran his thumb across my cheek, "So much."

"I love you so much more."

This is so cute 🥺

JJ Maybank imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang