months go by

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months go by: Y/n's mom, the woman who was her #1 supporter as well as her best friend all in one, died in a car accident. The pogues do everything they can to pull her out of her dark place but in the end it's JJ who finally gets through to her.
Longer imagine. Sad/fluff

I tapped my knee as I waited for my parents to get home, they said they had some sort of surprise for me so for the past six hours I've been waiting. I haven't gotten a single phone call, text, or anything telling me they were almost here. Which was strange but I did my best not to think about it.

My phone began ringing in my pocket. I lifted it to see it was my boyfriend.

"Hey." I greeted, now pacing through the living room and looking out the window every few seconds.

"Hey, cupcake, John B is having a bonfire tonight and I want you to come." He sounded happy today, which made me even happier, "As long as you're not busy."

"Oh, no, I'm, uh, just waiting for my parents to get home. They said they had some sort of surprise for me." I paused, seeing headlights pull into my driveway, "Actually, can I call you back? Someone's here."

"Of course, love you."

"Love you too, baby." Hanging up the phone I bolted to the door. It didn't look like my dads car. Three harsh knocks were placed on the door and I twisted the knob, opening it to see a police officer.

"Y/n L/n?" He asked. My stomach dropped. Something bad happened I just know it. Answering with a small nod of my head he continued to speak, "There's been an accident. I'm gonna need you to come with me, your dad is waiting for you at the station."

"The station?" I asked, "Where's my mom?" Feeling panicked I began fumbling my words. The look in his eyes answered the question. My mom was dead, that was the accident, "Where's my mom!?" I cried. My knees buckled and I fell to the floor.

"I'm so sorry." The officer said, kneeling to the ground and placing a hand on my back as I doubled over, "Your dad is waiting." He tried getting me off the ground but I shoved his hands away.

"Where's my mom!?"


Sat in my computer chair I held my knees to my chest as I stared out the window. It's been one week. One week without hearing my mothers laugh or waking up to her cooking breakfast. One week without the woman who raised me to be strong. To look fear right in the eyes and tell it to get bent. Maybe I'm not as strong as my mother raised me to be, because life without her is a life I don't want to live.

"Hey, Y/n." My bedroom door creaked open, "Your, uh, your dad let me in." It was Pope. I didn't speak. All I did was stare out the window at the garden my mother planted, the flowers were beginning to wilt since she was no longer here to take care of them.

"We all miss you," Pope continued, "You would've loved the waves yesterday, JJ hit the tube, you would've loved it."

I wanted to talk but I couldn't. I couldn't feel anything, my entire body and mind was completely numb. I don't remember the last time I sat down and ate a full meal or slept for more than an hour straight. I couldn't. The loss was so heavy in my chest anything except sitting completely still and watching the sky nauseated me.

"I know you probably don't feel like talking but I just wanted to stop by and check in on you." He finished, "I hope you're taking care of yourself." That was the last thing he said before giving up and walking out of my room, down the stairs and out the front door.

JJ Maybank imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now