mine? yours.

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in this imagine y/n and jj will have a kid so if that's not your thing that's completely fine! many more imagines to come!
this does loosely follow the show but i've changed things around so for this imagine. let's pretend that instead of coming back to the obx after poguelandia and saving kie they go straight to South America. also, let's say the timeline is about a year (it'll make sense when you read). i don't usually change the timeline around this much but the idea popped into my head and now i can't stop thinking about it so i hope you enjoy<3
mine? yours: jj has been gone for a year and y/n has been raising their daughter on her own for the past 4 months.
this was requested <3 (kind of, a few people just asked me to write about babies)

My eyes were threatening to close as I laid on the couch with my four month old in my arms. I didn't know what else to do, she's been crying non stop for an hour. I've tried everything, a bottle, singing to her, rocking her, everything. Nothing has worked.

What makes everything twice as hard is I'm doing it on my own. I haven't heard from JJ or any of the pogues since they went missing nearly a year ago. I couldn't stop daydreaming about how different things could have been if JJ would have known I was pregnant before he left. Hell, I didn't even know I was, she was my surprise.

"Let's try something different..." I said softly and readjusted my hold on her to fix her blanket. Her cries quieted but picked up the second I stopped talking, "I've never told you about your daddy." I continued. Her big blue eyes looked up at me as if I was her whole world.

"Your daddy is the sweetest guy I've ever met, although I really hated him at first," I chuckled to myself and saw her bottom lip stop quivering, her cries were slowing down, "I spent six months waiting on him, he was stubborn," My fingers traced her features gently, brushing the small amount of blonde hair on her head, "but when he finally realized he deserved to be loved he changed completely."

She went silent as her eyes began to close. I let out a small sigh of relief, "You, Leilani Maybank, are just as stubborn as him..."

I wish JJ was here. I wish I could see him be a father and I was terrified that day would never come. Although everyone else on the island has been telling me to move on and they weren't coming back, I couldn't help but hold onto the small amount of hope in my heart. I had to. Not just for me, but for Leilani. She couldn't grow up without a father and lord knows I couldn't do this on my own.

I slowly got up from the couch and walked down the hall of the empty house to her room, which was painted light blue. The theme of her room was the beach, small seashells and starfish painted onto the walls. I also had one of JJ's surf boards in the corner of her room, it still had our initials sketched into it from our first date.

"Goodnight, babygirl." I soothed her and slowly crept out of the room and closed her door.

Now it was my turn to get some rest. With the baby monitor on and placed onto my nightstand I watched it while I laid in bed, "Please come home soon JJ, we need you..."


Instead of being woken up peacefully by birds chirping and the morning sun creeping through my blinds I was startled awake by my phone ringing and Leilani's cries echoing through the entire house. The sun was barely peaking over the horizon as I answered the phone and held it to my ear while also getting out of bed and rushing to my daughters room.

"Anna, you're up early." The last person I expected to be awake at these hours was Kiaras mom. Lei's cried made it almost impossible to hear Anna speak as I lifted her from her crib.

JJ Maybank imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now