what could've been

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TW: blood, fighting, mentions of miscarriage, all around a very sensitive imagine only to be read at the readers discretion
*flashback—one week prior*

"When that last table leaves you're free for the day, thanks for staying overtime." Mike thanked me while I stood at the register and looked at him over my shoulder.

"Of course." I replied and finished counting the tip jar for my shift, whoever was waitressing that day got to keep the tip money. When Kie and I worked together we always split it 50/50 but since I'm on my own today I got to keep it. Even though I knew I'd end up spending it on both of us anyway, she'd do the same for me.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite daughter-in-law." Luke pushed the door to The Wreck open a bit harder than any normal person would and walked over to the counter, taking a seat at one of the stools. I could smell the liquor from here and I was five feet away. JJ always tried his best to keep me away from his dad but once Luke found out about us he did everything he could to weasel his way into our relationship, "You gonna take my order?"

"Nope. My last table is almost done then I'm out of here." I sarcastically smiled at him and slammed the register shut. Facing my back towards him I began reorganizing the cups behind me to keep myself busy and hopefully he'd get the hint I wasn't interested in holding a conversation.

"I think you wanna talk to me, young lady." His tone went deep and I swallowed the lump in my throat, "I know your little secreetttt." He sang from behind me, his voice giving me an uneasy feeling.

"Keep it, Luke. JJ told you to stay away from me but by the liquor on your breath I can smell you've forgotten." I spat and turned around to lean one hand onto the counter and the other on my hip.

"Was that before or after you told him you were pregnant?" My eyes went wide. How the hell did he know? I haven't even told JJ yet. I planned on having a sit down talk with him tonight and give him all of our options, "By your reaction I can tell it's not just some silly rumor flying around town."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied, straightening my posture and doing my best to appear unbothered by his words, "You're drunk, go home."

"Now, ya see, Y/n. I don't even want my son with you, he doesn't deserve to be loved. I think this little...situation you're in is only going to put the idea into JJ's mind he might actually be a good father when we all know he's going to turn out just like me..." Luke mumbled his words as he lowered his voice. My jaw clenched. I should jump over this counter and cave his face in but that would only stress me out and since the rumor was true, I couldn't risk it.

"The only situation me and your son are in is figuring out how the hell to get you out of this town and never come back," I walked towards him and leaned over the counter, "And the day we decide to have kids, JJ is going to be an amazing father. He's nothing like you." I had to keep playing clueless, there's no way I'd let him know the truth. Our entire relationship all he's done is try to sabotage it. He doesn't think that JJ deserves a girlfriend or friends, that he doesn't deserved to be loved, but he does.

JJ has shown me only the purest and true forms of love, even if sometimes he doesn't know how to manage his emotions he tries his best. That's all I could ever ask for. JJ has never snapped at me or gotten drunkenly aggressive, he's nothing like Luke and he never will be.

"If I were you I'd start telling me the truth. Might end better for you and the little one." Luke threatened. I felt like I was going to throw up and it wasn't because of the baby, I was genuinely scared of this man after seeing what he's done to JJ. The nights where he couldn't stop crying on my front porch covered in blood and bruises.

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