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not a warning but this is a pregnant reader imagine so if that's not you're thing, that's okay! there will be plenty more imagines to come :)
this is literally just fluff and rudy being protective while at poguelandia.
poguelandia: despite rudys concerns, you join him at poguelandia since his and your fans were begging you to come which leads him to be extra protective
pregnant reader x protective rudy was requested <3 (they let me choose between rudy/jj)

"Are you sure about this? There's going to be a whole crowd of people and you could get knocked around." Rudy's voice held concern but I brushed it off. Not that I didn't adore the fact that he worried about me, but because I wanted to be here. Pregnant or not this event was a big deal for him and his fans were begging we came as a couple. Who am I to let them down?

"I'll be up on the balcony with you guys, everything will be fine." I assured him and squeezed his hand a little tighter.

We were at an event called Poguelandia for Outer Banks, fans could come and meet the cast, enjoy music, along with food and drinks.

"First Pankow family outing." Rudy smiled as he got out of the car and came around the other side to help me out. I was only six months along, so not enough to make moving impossible, but enough to make it a bit of a challenge, "Careful." He reminded as I got out of the car, his hand offering help.

Since today was supposed to be a hot day I wore a light blue knitted type dress, it went to my mid thigh and hugged my body gently, still allowing a cool breeze. The blue also matched part of his shirt along with the gender of our baby boy, but that was still a surprise to the cast.

Security met us at the car and walked us around to where some fans were as Rudy stood behind me while we walked up some metal stairs to the balcony.

"Rudy and Y/n!"

The fans were going absolutely insane and I couldn't help but smile and wave to some of them. Although I wasn't on the show or nearly as famous as they were, the fans were still kind and welcoming towards me for the most part. They adored me and Rudy's relationship.

When I reached the top step the tip of my shoe caught and I stumbled a bit, not enough to fall but enough to make me panic for a second and grab onto the railing. Rudy's arms went around me immediately.

"Careful," He repeated and I grabbed onto his arm.

"Rudy, if you say 'careful' one more time..." I joked with him. When we reached the balcony he stood in front of me, our locked hands trailing behind him as we walked. As we greeted everyone he made a path through the small crowd of people and I apologized as we squeezed by.

"Girl, you are glowing!" Carlacia wrapped her arms around me in a hug and my held fell from Rudy's hand as I hugged her back, "How much longer til baby makes their appearance?"

"Twelve weeks," I answered. Rudy came back behind me and stood protectively with his chest practically resting on my back. He's always been the protective type but ever since we got the positive test you might as well consider him my personal security guard.

"You guys made it!" JD cheered as he walked over and pulled Rudy into a hug, then wrapped his arms around me and swayed us side to side.

"Careful." Rudy said and ran his hand down my back, "She already almost fell on the stairs." JD widened his eyes and tilted his head to look at me. I laughed and shooed them both away.

"My shoe got caught, I can barely see my feet." I pointed to my shoes and JD exhaled a laugh. I then saw Madelyn and Drew talking across the balcony and took off happily to go greet them.

JJ Maybank imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now