chasing you

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chasing you: Sarah drags her twin sister to meet the pogues. When they arrive JJ is immediately infatuated with her
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My feet were bent beneath me as I sat in the bench seat in my window. I was attempting to come up with something, anything to do today to get me out of the house.

"Y/n!" I heard Sarah yell from down the hall and I ignored her, she does this annoying thing where she tries having a shouting conversation and I can't stand it, "Y/n!?"

I looked to the ocean, I had the perfect view from my room, but surfing didn't sound fun since I've gone every day this week so far. Then I wondered if maybe I could snag dads credit card and go down to the shops for some new clothes, he wouldn't even notice—

"Y/n." Sarah huffed and entered my room, once again proving she was the annoying sister when she didn't knock.

"Knock much?" I twisted my head to look at her.

"Ignore me much?" She asked back and I rolled my eyes. I kicked my feet out from beneath me and dramatically flopped onto my bed with a loud sigh, "Get dressed, you're coming with me to John B's."

"Uh, no thanks. I don't wanna sit around while you two suck face." I denied and she joined me on my bed, we both were laying on our stomachs next to one another, "besides, those are your friends, not mine."

"Do you even have friends?" She questioned and I gave her a dirty look while rolling over onto my back, my feet bounced off my wooden bed frame with small 'thuds' every few seconds.

"Oh, Sarah, once you learn to enjoy your own company you'll become at peace with the world." My voice reminded me of an old English professor as I spoke, which made us both start laughing, "seriously though, totally not coming with you." I made my voice normal and looked at her so she knew how serious I was being.

"Oh come on, everyone wants to meet you since I told them about you." She pleaded while tugging on my arm. I sat there while my body jolted every now and then because of her pulls, not giving into her begging.

"What'd you tell them?" I asked. My answer to join her would fully depend on how much of my information she decided to spew out to her friends. She had this habit of telling John B everything I tell her to keep to herself.

"That you'd fit right in, you act like a natural born pogue. You remind me a lot of JJ and Pope combined, which is weird 'cause they're total opposites," She explained, I've heard all of their names from the stories she tells me but I've never actually met them, "So get up, get dressed and come with me. One time and if you hate it I'll never ask again."

I knew that she knew I was going to give in, I saw the smile beginning to form on her lips and sat up, "Fine."

"Yes!" She did a little clap and jumped off my bed, "wear a suit under your clothes and bring your ukulele." She added as she hung onto my door frame before leaving my room so I could change.

"Why?" I asked as I walked over to my dresser. When she didn't answer I looked to see she was gone. Sarah pullin' a Houdini. Nonetheless I slipped into a simple light pink swim suit and threw some shorts and tank top over it. Although Sarah and I looked a lot alike because we were twins, we had our differences so thankfully there was no chance at mixing us up.

"Ready!" I yelled when I walked out of my room. My backpack sat snug on my shoulders and inside was a change of clothes, my ukulele, snacks and a hairbrush. I've learned to always carry one due to the humidity. Sarah came running out of her room wearing the exact same top as me, "Absolutely not, change." I told her and pointed to her bedroom door.

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