shark week

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Such a weird thing to write about but I think it'll be funny and cute

JJ's pov


"Hurry up! The waves are calling our name!" John B called out from the drivers seat of the van. I ran up the steps and soon enough found myself knocking on my girlfriends front door.

"JJ! Come on in!" Her mom said happily when she answered. Thankfully, someway, somehow, her mom adored me.

"Is Y/n home? She hasn't responded to my text I sent an hour ago, we're all going surfing." I explained to her mother.

"Good luck getting her out of her room, she's on a war path." She gestured to the stairs and I furrowed my brows. War path?

My mind began to wonder what I could've done wrong to upset my girlfriend. I was drawing a blank as I placed a soft knock on her bedroom door, hearing nothing but silence on the other side. I twisted the door handled the pushed it open quietly in case she was sleeping.

She wasn't. She was eating ice cream and quietly crying while watching some weird TV show I've never seen.

"You okay?" I asked worriedly. She froze when she saw me standing in her doorway, grabbing a pillow from the other side of the bed and throwing it at me. Before it hit me in the face I caught it, "What did I do?"

"This douchebag cheated on his girlfriend so I'm pissed off!" She exclaimed, tears still streaming down her face as she pointed to the TV.

"So you're mad at me 'cause some guy in a TV show is a piece of shit?" I asked, chuckling at her a little. She gets in these moods sometimes, usually during the same time of the month so I knew what I was from and I didn't blame her for it.

"Are you laughing at me!?" She cried. I sat on her bed and grabbed her almost empty bowl of ice cream, setting it on her nightstand. I honestly wasn't laughing at her, I was laughing at how ridiculous she sounded.

"No, baby, I'm not." I cupped her face in my hands, "But you're mad at me for a TV show."

"And!?" She exaggerated. Not knowing what else to do I stood up and walked out of the room, down the stairs and back to the van.

"Where's Y/n?" Kiara asked as I walked to John B's window.

"What did you do JJ?" Sarah joked, acting as if I had done something wrong because Y/n wasn't following behind me.

"What? I didn't do anything." I scoffed, "It's shark week." I said, mostly to the guys since they knew what that was code for.

"Oh god..." Pope trailed off, "Good luck in the lions den."

"Shark week? What the hell is shark week?" Kiara scrunched her nose and looked at Sarah, only for the blonde to shrug in confusion.

"Just do what I do with Sarah. Get a heating pad, her favorite snacks, put on her favorite TV show and just lay with her." John B explained. I nodded my head, "We can go surfing another day."

"You're not possibly referring to—"

"You guys call our periods shark week?!" Kiara cut Sarah off and I looked down, trying my best not to laugh since Kie would probably beat my ass.

"It's bro code." I said, picking my hand up and doing my handshake with John B, "But I hear ya man, loud and clear, hot pad and lovey dovey shit. I can do that." As I walked backwards away from the van I heard Pope.

"Well, he's screwed." All I could do was laugh.

When I returned to Y/n's house I walked into the living room to where her mom was, "Do you have a heating pad?"

"A heating pad? What do you—Oooh..." She began nodding her head and stood up, waving her hand for me to follow her. She first stopped in the hallway closet and handed me a heated blanket, I then followed her to the kitchen, "Midol, water, heated blanket." She paused, "Oh! She loves these!" She added a bag of skittles on top of the pile of things I was already holding.

"Thank you Mrs. L/n." I thanked her and began walking out of the room.

"Thank you for taking care of her, JJ, you're a sweet kid." She said, "It's nice knowing my daughter is loved."

"Even on her worst days, ma'am." I assured her, beginning my climb up the stairs to Y/n's room.

I pushed her door open and saw her laying under her blanket, still crying, "I'm back." I announced. She didn't move.

"Y/n." I said softly, pulling the blanket down to see her tear stained face, "Princess, what's wrong?"

"Why'd you leave?" Her voice was quiet, hurt lacing her words. Now I felt bad for leaving without telling her where I was going.

"I got this stuff." I looked down to the blanket, medicine, water and snacks, "This will help." I unscrewed the top to the midol and took one out, handing it to her as she sat up.

As she took the medicine I pulled her regular comforter off her bed and laid the heated blanket in place of it, turning it on, "You're not leaving again are you?" She asked, I saw tears beginning to form in her eyes as I walked to the other side of her bed.

"Nope, just looking for my clothes I left here last week." I replied as I dug through her dresser. She emptied a drawer specifically for me since I was here all the time.

"Third drawer down." Y/n reminded, watching as I opened the third drawer and changed into more comfortable clothes. Her arms opened the blanket for me and I climbed under them, "You'd probably rather be surfing right now.."

"What? No way, I'd rather be here watching—" I paused, trying to figure out what my girlfriend had playing on her TV, "This weird, sad, romance show." Her sweet laugh echoed through my ears.

"Don't lie to me." She said wiping her cheeks from the leftover tears that stained them.

"Okay, okay, fine. I may not like what you're watching but I like you and I like spending time with you so we're going to lay in this bed until shark week is over." I admitted.

"Shark week?" She asked, laying down next to me and nuzzling into my chest, "Please tell me that doesn't mean what I think it does."

"It does." I replied, once again hearing her small laughs, "Even if it wasn't I'd still lay in bed with you all day."

"Wow, I didn't know JJ Maybank was such a sap." Her eyes looked up at me and I couldn't help but feel my stomach tie in knots, it happened whenever I was around her and when I tried to explain it to her she told me it was called 'butterflies'. I've never felt them before until I met her, now I can't get them to go away whenever she's around.

"Only for you, pretty girl." I complimented and sunk into her bed more, now laying face to face, "This is nice, just the two of us getting alone time."

"It's needed." She mumbled, returning to her spot closer to my chest. I felt her arms wrap around my torso and rested my chin on top of her head, "Thank you for taking care of me."

"I'll always take care of you," I assured her. My fingers combed through her hair as her breathing became more rhythmic, meaning she was falling asleep, "Until the day I die, Y/n L/n, I'll always take care of you."

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