don't go

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We all sat in the chateau, nothing being said.

We all knew this day was coming, the day I had to go back to California to live with my dad.

We had all planned goodbye speeches but as we all sat with quiet tears flowing down our faces I knew none of those words would be exchanged.

"I'm really gonna miss you, Y/n." Pope finally broke the silence and I looked over to him. I stood up, opening my arms for him as he hugged me.

"Me too." Kiara added, coming over and wrapping her arms around the both of us.

"Me three." Sarah cried, joining in as well.

"Make that four." John B's arms wrapped us all in a hug as I peaked over Kiaras shoulder seeing JJ leaned against the wall with a blank expression on his face.

I knew this would hit him the hardest, we've been together for two years. Never going more than a few hours without one another. He was trying to shake it off, downplay it as if it didn't bother him but looking into his blue eyes I knew this was killing him.

He was by far going to be my hardest goodbye.

"Baby?" I asked, my voice soft. Everyone let go as we tried wiping our tears away but it was no use, they were only replaced with fresh ones.

"Hm?" He hummed, not taking his eyes off the floor.

"Do you still wanna drive me to the airport?" Last week when my mom and I had our fight he told me he wanted to be the one to drop me off and since she couldn't care less, she agreed. As long as I was out of her house she was happy.

He wanted to be the last one to hug me.

Last one to tell me he loved me.

Last one to tell me goodbye.

"Uh, yeah, yes." He straightened his posture and cleared his throat. Without saying another word he grabbed both of my suitcases and left the chateau.

"I don't want you to go." Kiara said quietly, "None of us do." I pulled her into another hug, squeezing her tight. I didn't know when or if I would be back so I wanted to remember every little detail of the pogues in these last moments I had with them.

"No more crying," I pulled away and wiped my eyes, "we're pogues guys, we always find our way back to each other. Even if we do get separated for a few years."

"You do have a good point." John B agreed.

"Just promise me something, all of you." My eyes scanned each of them as they nodded their heads, "Look after JJ for me?"

"Who's gonna look after you?" Sarah asked as she slid under her boyfriends arm.

"I can handle myself but JJ is gonna need all of you. He's gonna be stubborn and irritable and shove you all away like he does." I explained, which made them all nod in agreement, "Do not let him shut down."

"We promise, Y/n." Pope reassured and I tried my best to smile at them.

"Woogity woogity? One last time?" I held my hand out to them and we all did our handshake as a group, which only made me want to cry more.

Without another word we let our eyes say goodbye as I opened the front door of the chateau, seeing JJ sitting drivers seat in the truck. I hopped in the passenger seat and he put the car in drive, beginning our journey to the airport.

"You know I have to go, right? If I were to stay my mom would cut me off, I'd have nothing." I tried to explain to my boyfriend, he's already beginning to shut down, to push me away to manage his emotions his own way.

JJ Maybank imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now