phone number

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Phone number: You and JJ have a competition to see who can get the most tourons phone numbers during spring break.
The six of us laughed as John B drove us to the Boneyard, the four of us in the back were already passing out drinks while John B and Sarah decided to wait until we got there.

"It's touron season," I found myself laughing at my words. Touron season is me and JJ's favorite, we loved picking on the tourists who thought they could handle an Outer Banks beach party. We usually challenged them to every drinking game and watched as they continued to come back even after they lost, "You know what that means."

JJ clinked his beer with mine and scooted next to me on the van floor, "Keg stand or flip cup tonight?" He asked and I thought about it for a moment. We did and won the same challenges every time. This touron season I wanted to spice things up, bring some heat.

"I'm thinking of something different this time." I replied, looking to him with a smirk as I took a sip of my beer.

"It's never good when Y/n is thinking." Kie gave me a playful closed-mouth smirk and I laughed.

"Whoever gets the most tourons phone numbers gets to claim the spare bed tonight. Loser sleeps on the couch," I raised an eyebrow at JJ, holding my hand out for him to shake if he chose to accept the challenge.

"I don't know, Y/n, I think you're biting off more than you can chew." JB commented from the drivers seat. As I turned to give him an 'oh really?' look in the rear view mirror I felt JJ slip his hand into mine, shaking to seal the deal. 

"You guys can't just have one night where something isn't a competition, can you?" Pope asked. Both JJ and I shrugged and seconds later shook our heads no.

"You should know them by now." Sarah added in with a laugh. The entire group knew how much JJ and I loved touron season, an entire group of fresh meat for us to mess with. It was so easy. JJ made every girl on the beach fall for him and I made every guy swoon over me like a toddler in a candy store. It was fun, something entertaining for us to enjoy.

The van came to a halt as John B parked and JJ crouched forward to open the door for all of us that were in the back seat, "Hope you're ready to lose, cupcake." He commented as he closed the van door behind me.

I smirked at him, "Whatever you say, pretty boy." Taking the last sip of my beer I threw it into a nearby trash can and walked away from the group and into the already drunk beach party. This is going to be too easy.

"Excuse me." I said quietly as I placed my hands onto the arm of an obvious touron.

"Oh, sorry, yeah." He looked at me and froze for a moment, his jaw opened slightly. I took my fingers and pushed his jaw closed.

"You're going to catch flies." I joked with him, leaving my hand on his arm, "You have really pretty eyes."

"Y-you too." He stuttered, "I like your smile." He complimented. I saw the pogues still standing by the van in a circle from my peripheral as they watched me work my magic.

"You're too sweet," I blushed and looked down, "Not too be straight forward or anything but maybe I could get your number?" The guys smile widened as he quickly nodded his head yes. I pulled my phone from my back pocket and went to my contacts so he could add himself.

Once he was distracted I looked up towards JJ, mouthing the words 'game on'. I saw his jaw clench and couldn't quite put my finger on why, was he upset he was going to lose?


The night went on as I continued my harmless fake flirting with the touron guys, earning their numbers as I did. I haven't seen JJ in awhile so I figured maybe he had gotten too into the game and slipped away with some girl. The thought of that bothered me a little but I shrugged it off. He's not mine and I'm not his.

JJ Maybank imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें