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Sick: JJ takes care of you while you're sick with the flu
fluff ahead <3
Also make sure to read the a/n at the end :)

I felt like death, my head was pounding, my nose was running like a faucet, and every time I moved I felt like my lunch was coming back up. As I laid under my comforter my phone lit up, making me squint my eyes at the bright light.

"Hello." I answered the phone, my voice sounded horrible and nasally.

"You don't sound any better, babe." JJ commented and I rolled my eyes, way to point out the obvious. I went to answer but fell into a fit of coughs so I pulled the phone away from my ear. Once I was done coughing I returned to the phone so I could speak.

"Don't feel any better either." I said. I folded the blanket off my upper half with my other arm, the cool breeze of my fan felt nice. It was impossible to keep up with my temperature fluctuating, one second I was sweating bullets and the next I was freezing cold.

"I'm on my way over with medicine, your favorite drink and tissues." I could hear his smile in the tone of his voice. Although it sounded selfish because I knew he could also get sick, I needed cuddles from my boy and if he was offering I'd be silly to pass it up.

"When you get here can you tell my mom I really want ice cream? I don't wanna get up and she won't answer my text." I asked.

"Sure thing, be there soon." I attempted to say goodbye but I started coughing again so I just hung up. No one wants to listen to that through the phone, it sounds gross.

I tried my best to to push myself out of bed to make myself look more presentable. I know JJ has seen me first thing in the morning with messy hair and nasty morning breath but this was different. I had hair sticking to the side of my face from sweating all night long, tissues piling up in my trash can and it looked as though I haven't slept in days. When I stood up I felt dizzy so I slid onto the ground and in front of my mirror where I tried my best to comb through my hair and throw it back up into a bun.

"Good enough." I huffed and realized this bun wasn't much better than the previous. When I crawled back into bed I heard the front door open downstairs and got excited, JJ was here.

I quickly grabbed my phone to text him.

Ice cream. Don't forget about the ice cream.

After the text was sent I heard JJ and my mom laughing and debated on going down there to see what they were laughing about. I decided against it since the world went into tunnel vision when I stood up and plus, I liked that my mom liked JJ so I gave them their time to talk. Even if it was about me.

My door swung open a few minutes later and standing in the doorway was JJ with his backpack on, along with a bowl in his hand, "Be honest, are you more excited to see me or ice cream?"

I smiled at him and reached my arm out, doing the 'grabby hand', "Ice cream, definitely ice cream." I joked. He sat his backpack in the ground next to my bed and walked over to my fan, directing it so it pointed at me better.

After he did that he walked over to the side of my bed and placed a kiss into my forehead, "That's gross, I'm sweaty." I gently nudged him away and he chuckled.

"I don't care. I haven't seen you in like three days, I'm smothering you in attention today." He pointed at me as he rounded my bed and joined me on the other side while I took the first bite of my ice cream. It tasted like what I can only describe as heaven. I've been craving this for hours, it was the only thing that sounded good to me because I've barely had an appetite since I got sick.

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